
這是 新選擇 不喜歡使用 PayPal 的用戶的在線支付選項.

會員選項以美元計價 (美元). 您的銀行/信用卡可能會使用其內部匯率以您的當地貨幣處理付款. 當前最佳折扣已包含在價格中, 所以不需要使用優惠券.

付款處理完畢後,您將收到一封電子郵件收據. 您的帳戶將在 BEP 收到付款確認後 24 小時內激活. 如果您有任何疑問或需要支持, 請使用我們的 聯繫頁面.

*筆記: 新用戶還應該設置一個 免費試用帳戶 所以你可以選擇你自己的用戶名和密碼. 然後,我們會將您購買的會員資格添加到該帳戶.

Purchase Options

All prices are in USD and include the 8TEEN current discount.

2-Year Premium Membership: USD $99.00 (Discount included)
Access all lessons, materials, eBooks and apps for two years.


1-Year Premium Membership: USD $82.50 (Discount included)
Access all lessons, materials, eBooks and apps for one year.


6-Month Premium Membership: USD $70.00 (Discount included)
Access all lessons, materials, eBooks and apps for 6-months.


Renew 1-Year Membership: USD $19.80 (Discount included)
RENEW Premium Membership for 1-year (requires an existing premium membership to qualify).


Payments are processed by Stripe secure payments. By making a payment you agree to our Terms and Conditions.