BEP 273 – 讨论业务策略的英语搭配 (2)

BEP 273 - 讨论经营策略 2

欢迎回到Business English Pod,今天的课程 商务英语搭配 谈论战略.

想想你公司的未来. 它将如何保持竞争力? 贵公司的长期目标是什么? 贵公司想要达到什么目标? 它将如何做到这一点? 这些只是您在讨论业务战略时可能会考虑的一些问题. 您需要考虑您的业务做得好, 如何明智地使用资源, 以及你需要做什么来发展公司. 当你讨论这些想法时, 你可以使用一些常用的表达方式, 或组合, 我们称之为 “搭配。”

但什么是 搭配? 搭配是一组听起来很自然的词. 它们听起来很自然,因为母语人士通常使用它们. 如果你学会了这些搭配,你也可以听起来很自然. 例如, 你可以说“实施计划”。听起来很自然. 但是“做一个计划”怎么样??“ 出色地, 这不是一种常见的搭配,所以听起来不自然.

当你听这节课的对话时, 尝试挑选一些搭配,我们将在稍后的汇报中讨论它们.

在对话框中, 我们会听到安妮的, 珍妮, 和马克斯, 一家名为 Healthy Organics 的食品公司的三位高管. 他们正在讨论将公司发展到未来的战略. 他们会谈论一些重要的战略决策, 他们会使用很多有用的表达方式.


1. 根据安妮的说法, 为什么他们需要扩大产品范围?
2. 珍妮认为他们需要建立在什么基础上?
3. 安妮在接下来的三到五年内具体想弄清楚什么?

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BEP 272 – 讨论业务策略的英语搭配 (1)

BEP 272 - English for Discussing Strategy 1

欢迎回到Business English Pod,今天的课程 英语搭配 for discussing business strategy.

Look behind any successful business and what will you find? Good strategy and wise planning. Good strategy involves understanding the environment, the market, the customers, and the competition. And good planning means taking all that knowledge and deciding how to compete now and into the future.

在本课中, we’ll hear how the executives in a food company discuss business strategy. And as they strategize, the speakers will use some useful expressions that we call “collocations.” Learning 英语搭配 will help you improve your vocabulary and sound more natural. So what exactly is a collocation? 出色地, it’s just a group of words that we commonly use together. 例如, we often say “reach a goal.” It sounds natural, because that’s what people say. But what about: “grasp a goal” or “arrive at a goal?“ 出色地, those don’t sound natural because they’re not common combinations or collocations.

当你聆听讨论时, 尝试挑选一些搭配,我们将在稍后的汇报中讨论它们.

在对话框中, 我们会听到安妮的, 珍妮, 和马克斯, executives at a food company called Healthy Organics. The speakers have gone on a weekend retreat to try to create a good strategy for moving their company into the future. They’ll talk about their vision and a strategic plan for growth.


1. What does Anne say they have managed to accomplish so far during the retreat?
2. What does Max say is the goal over the next two days?
3. What does Jenny want to figure out first?

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商务英语新闻 32 – 货币战争

商务英语新闻 32 - 货币战争

在今天的 商务英语新闻课, we look at how countries are using competitive devaluations of their currencies to stimulate economic growth.

It’s been a wild ride since the global economy welcomed in the New Year, and the scale of global easing that’s taking place has stunned investors. On average, an interest rate has been cut somewhere in the world once every 3 天, catching everyone off guard. If 25 countries cutting rates since the start of the year wasn’t proof enough, this week’s warning from Janet Yellen about the dollar’s strength confirmed that the world’s top central banks are fighting a currency war.

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商务英语新闻 31 – 众筹

BEN 31 - 众筹

在今天的 商务英语新闻课, we look at new methods of raising capital for startups.

众筹, the idea of gathering lots of small contributions from individuals to finance a company or a project, is one of the latest buzzwords to hit the business world. Born as a result of the economic crisis where access to financing from traditional sources is increasingly difficult, crowdfunding is another avenue to secure funds for entrepreneurial ventures; as This is Money explains:

Until recently, financing a business involved asking a few people for big sums of money. Crowdfunding is turning this idea on its head, using the Internet to help entrepreneurs talk to thousandsif not millionsof potential funders who each contribute a small amount.

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商务英语新闻 30 – 无人驾驶飞机


在今天的 商务英语新闻课, 我们探讨了将无人机用于商业目的的潜力.

曾经是科幻小说迷梦dream以求的梦想现在正逐渐接近现实. 实力雄厚的公司正在将资金投入到他们希望将成为新交付市场诞生的事物中. 谷歌, 亚马孙, 其他一些人已经着手进行可能会改变消费者获得产品的方式的项目, 商用无人机行业有望迎来广泛应用.

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