BVP 01 – 人力资源: 人力资源经理

Today we’re kicking off a new series of ESL business vocabulary podcasts based on people talking about their jobs. In these episodes, we’ll learn vocabulary and language that are useful across a wide range of different professions and industries.

In this podcast we’ll hear an HR manager, Greg, describe his work and responsibilities. Afterwards, we’ll study some key vocabulary. In particular we’ll be focusing on how words are collocated, or used together. Then we’ll practice what we’ve learned.

When we think about human resource managers, many of us just think of hiring and firing, but actually, as Greg explains, the job involves a lot more than that. HR handles everything from job evaluations to settling disagreements between workers and management.


1) What type of employment programs does Greg develop and manage?
2) Are there several HR managers or only one in Greg’s company?
3) Greg says that HR managers play a special role in companies that are unionized. What is this role?

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BEP 74 – 英语习语: 商业就是战争 (2)

This is the second in a two-part Business English Pod series on English idioms related to war.

Everywhere you look in business, you will find the language of war: We often thinkand talkabout business competition in terms of attacking and defending, gaining and losing ground.

During the first business ESL podcast in this series, we studied many such war and military related idioms. We learned the meaning oftaking flak,” “reinforcing one’s position,” “laying low,” “making a moveand many others. 在这个播客中, we will continue exploring useful war idioms.

The dialog picks up where we left off at the Luminex management meeting. Jane has just explained that they need to thinkstrategically.He explains that this meanslaying low,” by which he means waiting to take action until the economy improves.

当你听, pay attention to the war idioms Jane and her colleagues use. You may not understand them the first time. After you hear the debrief, 回去再听一遍, then things should be much clearer.


1) What does Jane mean when she says their competitor, 迈耶斯, is its own worst enemy?
2) The speakers describe their new strategy as anambushthat willsurround” 迈耶斯. Why do they say this? What is the strategy?

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BEP 73 – 英语习语: 商业就是战争 (1)

商业与战争. 战争与商业. 许多商业战略和管理技术首先在军队中发展绝非偶然. 实际上, 我们很自然地将商业竞争视为战争. 各公司相互争夺市场份额. 我们制定战略以赢得这场战斗. 你试图攻击我的市场地位, 我捍卫它. 商业上充满了这样的战争习语. 尽管这不是我们思考商业的唯一方式, 这当然是我们谈论它的主要方式. 所以, 在商业环境中有效沟通, 我们需要学习这些战争习语.

在今天的对话中, Luminex 的管理层, 液晶电视生产商, 正在讨论如何应对竞争对手对其市场地位的攻击, 迈耶斯. 传统上, 迈耶斯在保费方面表现强劲 (高价值) 市场,Luminex 在中端市场表现强劲. 最近, 然而, Meyers 试图从 Luminex 手中夺取中端市场份额.

聆听时注意与会者使用的战争习语. 如果您第一次听时听不懂,请不要担心. 当你听完汇报中解释的习语后, 回去再听一遍, 并且对话框应该更加清晰.


1) 前两位发言者谈论的是 “始终处于防守状态” 和 “受到太多的批评。” 他们的意思是什么以及他们建议做什么?
2) Jane 的观点与前两位发言者有何不同?

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BEP 58 – 水冷却器: 体育习语 (2)

体育习语 2, 是侧重于非正式对话或闲聊的系列的一部分 – 水冷却器. 我们继续上次离开的地方 BEP 57. 简和珍, 美国大型电信公司Ambient的员工, 正在谈论行业中的最近事件: 口音, 欧洲电信公司, 接管了TelStar, Ambient的美国竞争对手之一.

上次, 詹(Jen)刚刚讨论过,她对TelStar决定打球感到惊讶, 那就是合作, 在Accent的原因是股东 “拖延时间,” 或延迟, 几个月. 扬如何回应?


1) 谁是McConnel,Jan和Jen对他的看法?
2) 詹和扬对雅绅特在美国市场的未来有何评价?

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BEP 57 – 水冷却器: 体育习语 (1)

本商务英语播客课程是正在进行的系列中的第一课,我们将在办公室饮水机周围聆听一些典型的闲聊. 您会在世界各地的办公室找到饮水机 – 通常在休息室,员工聚集在一起喝杯咖啡或茶,下班后休息一下.

在这些休息期间, 你可能会与一位同事见面并交换有关生活的话语, 你的工作, 你的公司, 体育, 政治或其他什么. 所以 “饮水机闲聊” 指在办公室进行的所有类型的非正式沟通.

我们将聆听 Jan 和 Jen 的讲话, 在 Ambient 同一办公室工作的人, 一家美国电信公司, 围着饮水机闲聊. 他们正在讨论最新的行业新闻: 口音, 欧洲市场的主要参与者, 刚刚宣布收购或收购 Ambient 主要竞争对手,泰事达.


1) Jan 和 Jen 认为 Accent 收购 TelStar 是个好主意吗?
2) 为何迟迟没有接管?

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