
BEP 88 – 打电话: 预订旅游票

In this intermediate Business English lesson, we will practice useful vocabulary and language for making airplane and hotel arrangements on…

行进 8, 2008

BEP 72 – 打电话: 语音信箱留言

在本商务英语课中, 我们将学习有用的短语和语言,以留下语音邮件.

十一月 10, 2007

BEP 69 – Telephone English: 留言

In this Business English Podcast lesson we look at the language you can use to leave a telephone answering machine…

十月 21, 2007

BEP 54 - 客户服务: 处理投诉 2: 解决投诉

This is the second in a two-part Business English Pod series on handling angry customers on the telephone. In today's…

六月 23, 2007

BEP 53 - 客户服务: 处理投诉 1: 移情

良好的客户服务对于任何行业的成功都至关重要, but it is particularly important in the service and hospitality…

六月 19, 2007

BEP 48 – Cold Calling: 处理异议并结束通话

这是我们关于推销电话的三部分商务英语播客系列的最后一个. In today's lesson, you'll learn how…

可能 16, 2007

BEP 47 – Cold Calling: 阐明利益并推销

这是我们关于有用的电话和销售技巧的三部分商务英语播客课程的第二部分: 冷呼叫.

可能 13, 2007

BEP 46 – Cold Calling: 取得良好的开端

Today's lesson is the first in a three-part Business English Pod series on cold calling, the skill of making unsolicited…

可能 9, 2007

BEP 23 – 打电话: 处理困难的客户

在最近的商务英语播客中 (BEP 22), we looked at how to deal with technical problems when speaking on…

十一月 29, 2006

BEP 22 – 打电话: 处理查询和技术问题

In this Business English Podcast lesson we continue our series on making telephone calls in English by looking at how…

十一月 13, 2006