BEP 136 – 会议: 制作进度报告

In this Business English Pod episode we’re going to look at making a project progress report during a meeting.

All managers need written progress reports from their staff, but it is often necessary to make a verbal progress report during a meeting. A verbal report can be thought of as a combination of a presentation and a question and answer session.

When making a progress report, you’ll need to start with the overall status of the project, and then go on to explain how much of the work has been completed, at what stage the work is now, what remains to be done and, 当然, what problems might have arisen. Because the format islive”, people may interrupt to ask questions or make comments and you should be sure of your facts when you go into the meeting.

We’ll be listening to Angela, who works in the Operations department of her company. Blaine & Co. They plan to move to a new head office and the renovation, or preparation, of their space is currently underway. Angela has visited the new office and spoken with the key people on-site. 对话框开始时, she is called upon to give a verbal report on the progress of the renovation.


1) What did Angela do to prepare for this meeting?
2) Will Blaine & Co. be able to move as planned?
3) Where will Blaine & Co. get money to cover the extra costs?

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BVP 04 词汇 – 用英语讨论项目

When you think of projects, what comes to mind? You might think of something quite complicated and extensive, like the new office project we’ll be hearing about today. But in fact, most of the tasks we do in business are part of a project. Even something as simple as writing a proposal is a project in itself: First you collect data, then you analyze and evaluate the data before writing a draft. 最后, you edit the draft proposal and present a final version to the decision-makers. So knowing how to refer to different elements of a project and describe them with interesting collocations is important for practically everyone involved in business today.

Following on from our two video podcasts on basic vocabulary for project management (维维 07 & 维维 08), today we’re going to listen in to a briefing by Kerri, the manager of a direct marketing company, and Martina, a member of her staff. We’ll be focusing on collocations useful for describing a project and its execution.


1) What does Kerri want Martina to do for the company?
2) How much time will Martina have to complete this project?
3) What does Kerri promise to do to make Martina’s work easier?

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维维 08 – 项目管理词汇 (部分 2)

Youtube 视频

视频词汇 是一系列简短的视频,解释与日常业务对话中涉及的许多主题相关的重要业务术语的含义.

我们继续看 与项目管理有关的词汇 通过查看用于描述项目时间表的词语. 首先,我们会听一段简短的文章介绍这一主题,然后我们将详细讲解每个单词,并附上一些例句,以说明如何使用这些单词. 在视频结尾,您将有机会回顾练习新词汇的方法.

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维维 07 – 项目管理词汇 (部分 1)

Youtube 视频

视频词汇 是一系列英语视频,解释与日常业务对话中涉及的许多主题相关的重要业务术语的含义.

今天,我们正在寻找与项目和项目管理相关的商业词汇. 首先,我们会听一段简短的文章介绍这一主题,然后我们将详细讲解每个单词,并附上一些例句,以说明如何使用这些单词. 在视频结尾,您将有机会回顾练习新词汇的方法.

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