技能 360 – 如何影响人 (2)

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Business English for Influencing People 2

欢迎回到 技能 360 for today’s lesson on language and techniques for influencing people.

The power to influence can allow you to do many wonderful things, such as lead people, change their minds, motivate them to action, and negotiate successfully. These are abilities that can help you in life and in business. 现在, it might seem like some people naturally have more influence than others, but that’s not always the case. Many powerful people have learned how to influence people using specific techniques.

在我们的 最后一课, we had a look at what you should talk about and how you should talk about it. 今天, I want to take a closer look at some language techniques that can open the door to greater influence. And these techniques all help build rapport or trust with the person you’re talking to.

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技能 360 – 如何影响人 (1)

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Business English Skills and Techniques for Influencing People

欢迎回到 技能 360 今天的课程 how to influence people.

There are many different reasons why you might want to influence people. Maybe you’re trying to get their support for your idea, or maybe you want to inspire them, or maybe you want to convince them to do something. Whatever the case may be, I think you’ll find the techniques we’re going to learn today very useful for winning people over.

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技能 360 – 捍卫自己的想法 (部分 2)

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欢迎回到 技能 360 在今天的课程中,如何为自己和您的想法辩护.

商业中最困难的事情之一是你不仅要处理想法和理性决策. 你在与人打交道. 人们并不总是对事情采取冷静和合乎逻辑的方法, 即使你这样做. 他们对想法感到情绪化,并对分歧感到厌烦. 你也可能会那样. 热情是个好东西, 但过多的负面情绪会适得其反. 那么我们如何在继续保护自己的同时管理人们的情绪呢??

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技能 360 – 捍卫自己的想法 (部分 1)

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欢迎回到 技能 360 在今天的课程中,如何在竞争激烈的世界中捍卫自己和您的想法.

有些人可能认为好主意会赢得胜利, 仅仅因为它们是好主意. 但事情没那么简单. 如果你有好的想法, 你必须让人们相信他们的价值. 而且你肯定要保护他们免受所有批评你或与你竞争的人. 这是一个狗吃狗的世界, 像他们说的那样, 你想确保你不是晚餐.

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技能 360 – 卖出你的想法 (部分 2)

欢迎回到 业务技能 360 播客. 在本课中, 我们将研究更多的技巧和技巧来推销您的想法.

现在, 你知道你的想法很好, 但其他人如何? 你需要让他们思考,甚至​​只是觉得他们很好. 上个星期, 我们研究了一些您可以使用的技术. 在这个节目中, 我们将研究您可以采取的态度. 这与你所说的不完全有关, 关键在于你的表达方式以及你的表达所产生的感受或印象.

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