BEP 216 – 英语内部面试 (1)

BEP 216 Lesson - Job Interview English: Switching Careers (1)

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on internal 英语面试.

You already have experience with interviews. You know the kinds of questions that are typically asked, and you’ve rehearsed your answers to those kinds of questions. But this is different. In an internal 英语面试, chances are you’re talking with someone you already know. And you’re talking about experiences they already know about. They know you too. That can make it more comfortable in some ways. You don’t have to break the ice and you probably understand the company’s priorities. But it can be more uncomfortable in other ways. You might not have talked in this way with these people before. And you won’t be able to exaggerate anything.

由于这些原因, you might need some different techniques. You need to use your knowledge of the company and your experience as an advantage. But at the same time, you have to watch your language and maintain a very high level of professionalism.

We’ll be looking at some of these techniques in today’s lesson. We’ll cover how to give an example of a positive change you’ve made, as well as how to accept responsibility for mistakes. We’ll also learn how we can differentiate ourselves from external candidates, identify problems and solutions, and show a commitment to professional development.

在对话框中, we’ll hear Graham interviewing for a managerial position with a software company. He’s being interviewed by Seth and Michelle. You’ll notice right away that it sounds a bit different than a standard interview at a new company. Seth and Michelle have firsthand knowledge of what Graham has done and how he works.


1. What positive change did Graham make for the company?
2. How does Graham show he is committed to developing professionally?
3. What does Graham understand about the company that other candidates might not?

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BEP 205 – 英语工作面试: 转行 (2)

BEP 205 - English job interview

这是两部分商务英语播客课程的第二部分 工作面试 当你换工作或转换职业时.

你不能一辈子都做同样的事情. 这就是你选择做出改变的原因, 将您的技能和经验应用于新事物. 但这带来了挑战. 你如何让面试官相信你有能力进行转换?

这对于我们这些更多的人来说尤其如此 “成熟。” 有句老话: “你不能教老狗新把戏。” 出色地, 你在面试中的任务是说明为什么这句话是错误的. 你需要证明为什么 “老狗” 比年轻的狗带来更多的东西.

在今天的课程中, 我们将重新加入帕特里克, 正在面试咨询公司职位的会计师. 弗兰克和妮娜正在进行采访. 我们会听到帕特里克展示一些关键的面试技巧; 他将回答假设性问题, 突出可转移技能, 并展示研究. 他也会提出礼貌的建议并提出好问题.


1. 为什么帕特里克谈论他的工作培养初级会计师?
2. 帕特里克对培训和发展的建议是什么?
3. 帕特里克想知道这个职位的什么?

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BEP 204 – 英语工作面试: 转行 (1)

BEP 204 - English Job Interviews:  Switching Careers (1)

这是两部分商务英语播客课程中的第一课 英语工作面试 当你换工作或进行职业转变时.

你积累了很多 工作经验 你为自己的特别感到自豪 成绩. 而且你知道的足够多,对事情应该如何做有明确的意见. 但现在是时候做出一些改变了. 也许你正在完全转换职业, 或者你只是想换个角色. 而不管, 为了给人留下好印象,你将不得不解释你的成就并仔细表达你的意见.

在一次采访中, 这不仅仅是关于你说的话, 关键是你怎么说. 你会被问到一些棘手的问题, 你可能只有一次机会. 赌注很高, 竞争可能很大. 你需要推销自己并证明为什么你是这个职位的正确选择.

在本课中, 我们会听到尼娜和弗兰克采访帕特里克. 帕特里克是一位经验丰富的会计师,正在寻找职业转变. 他正在申请一家大型会计咨询公司的工作. 帕特里克将突出他独特的经历, 礼貌地批评他的前雇主, 承认挑战, 并谈论过去的冲突. 这些都是很难做好的事情, 但帕特里克明智地处理它们.


1. 为什么帕特里克谈论公司内部控制的变化?
2. 帕特里克如何描述与高管的财务会议?
3. 帕特里克说他如何与高管打交道?

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BEP 182 – 处理危机 4: 向前进

This Business English Pod lesson is the final part in our series on handling a crisis. We’ll see how to start moving forward after the first phase of a crisis has passed.

A crisis is a stressful situation. People are under pressure and meetings or conversations can be tense. But if everyone maintains the same goal, and a good leader gives direction to a group, a crisis can be overcome. And overcoming a crisis means talking about how to move forward.

在我们的最后一集中, we heard a conference call, as the team of Frank, 麦克风, 沙, 莫妮卡, and Simone re-evaluated the situation and tried to gain some perspective. They talked about how the crisis has been handled, and things became a little tense, especially between Simone and Mike.

在这一集, we’ll continue with that conference call. Mike and Simone continue to disagree, while Sandy and Monika try to support Mike, and Frank tries to take control of the situation. Let’s listen as they figure out how to move forward at this stage of the crisis.


1. What does Sandy say about the company’s history?
2. According to Monika, what are the local people worried about?
3. What does Frank think about the group of people?

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BEP 181 – 处理危机 3: 获得观点

这是我们的第三 商务英语播客 处理危机系列. 在危机的第一部分, 可能会有很多混乱和活动. 但是如果你通过那部分就可以了, 接下来是什么?

在关键阶段之后的某个时刻, 人们将聚在一起重新评估情况. 团队合作很重要. 人们需要共同努力以应对危机. 如果没有, 如果他们不同意并尝试朝不同的方向前进, 这对公司不利. 团结是绝对必要的. 需要良好的领导才能尽早建立这种团结, 但是要保持良好的团队合作精神.

在上一课中, 我们听到生产工程师Mike与新加坡通信副总裁交谈, 莫妮卡. 她从迈克那里获得了有关事故的一些信息,并制定了沟通计划. 那仍然是危机的关键阶段.

在这一集, 在关键阶段之后,我们将听电话会议. 现在该考虑发生了什么并重新评估情况. 我们会听到迈克和莫妮卡, 以及美国老板弗兰克(Frank), 桑迪工厂经理, 还有一个叫西蒙妮的律师. 让他们倾听他们试图获得对危机的看法并弄清楚他们到目前为止如何处理局势.


1. 迈克为什么对西蒙说“对不起”?
2. Monika想在讨论中重点关注什么?
3. 桑迪对西蒙妮的担忧有何看法?

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