BEP 322 – 项目管理 7: 汇报用户测试

BEP 322 Lesson Module - English for Project Management 7: Debriefing User Testing

欢迎回到 商务英语播客 今天的课程 项目管理英语 并在软件项目中汇报用户测试.

询问技术界的任何人,他们都会告诉您,用户测试是良好软件开发的关键. 实际上, 这不是真的, 因为关键实际上是良好的用户测试. 用户并不总是为您提供所需的确切信息. 否则他们可能无法为您提供所需的所有信息. 由于这些原因, 您需要能够出色地向用户汇报用户测试.

汇报基本上意味着谈论经验. 汇报有助于我们了解用户在使用该软件期间的想法和感受. 并从事软件开发, 这意味着我们可以进行必要的更改以改善体验.

有效地汇报用户测试可能需要您做几件事. 对于一个, 首先确定汇报的重点是一个好主意. 然后, 您可能需要将用户带回该关注区域. 大致了解体验, 您可能会要求整体印象. 并获得更多细节, 您可能会要求用户谈论软件使用过程. 在出现重要问题时也要承认是一个好主意.

在今天的对话中, 我们将听到一个名为Jill的软件开发人员向Carla汇报用户测试的情况, 一个办公室工作人员. 吉尔的公司, 光学技术, 一直在为Carla工作的物流公司开发新软件.


1. 吉尔说她想集中精力做什么?
2. 吉尔如何回应卡拉关于能够更新驾驶员身份的建议?
3. 当卡拉(Carla)提到路线改变颜色过早时,吉尔如何回应?

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BEP 321 – 项目管理 6: 启动用户测试

BEP 321 Lesson Module - English for Project Management 6: User Testing

欢迎回到 商务英语播客 今天的课程 项目管理英语 and launching user testing for a software project.

At the heart of every software project is the user. If the user finds the software confusing, or if it doesn’t do what the user needs it to do, what’s the point? 为此原因, user testing is an essential part of the development process.

User testing can involve a range of activities. You might watch how users interact with the software. You might track or monitor how they use it. And you might ask them for their opinions. 通过这种方式, you collect information and feedback that helps you create the best user experience possible. And just as the software itself needs to be user friendly, so does user testing. If people don’t have a clear idea of what they’re supposed to do during testing, you’ll be wasting an opportunity.

So when you launch testing, it’s important to outline what you’re going to be doing, and what kind of feedback you’re interested in. Because the software is new to the test users, you’ll need to give them clear instructions on how to use it and give them an overview of the main features. You might also find yourself emphasizing key points along the way. 毕竟, it’s much easier to make sure everyone understands upfront than to deal with confused users during testing.

在今天的对话中, 我们会听到吉尔, a developer with a software company called OptiTech. They’ve been developing software for a logistics company, and now they are ready to launch the first round of user testing. We’ll also hear Liam, 客户的IT经理, and Carla, one of the test users.


1. What does Jill say will be the final step in this test?
2. 本次测试重点关注软件的哪三个方面?
3. Jill强调司机们绝对需要做什么?

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维维 54 – 技术英语: 人工智能

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在本课中, 我们来看看 商务英语词汇 相关 人工智能或人工智能.

人工智能包括机器学习, 可能依赖神经网络进行深度学习并使用复杂的算法. 人工智能还包括自主应用程序和机器程序,例如机器人, 使用自然语言处理进行交互.

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维维 53 – 敏捷项目管理英语词汇

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在本课中, 我们来看看 商务英语词汇 related to agile 项目管理 and the scrum framework of product development.

Scrum involves working in sprints, or short cycles, to develop a product rapidly. Key roles in scrum include the scrum master along with the product owner, as well as product teams, which create the product by working through the sprint backlog.

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