维维 33 – 金融英语词汇: 宏观经济学 (1)

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在这个 商务英语词汇 课, 我们将研究一些关键的宏观经济术语, 这样的GDP和国民生产总值. 我们将探索自然的商业周期, 包括扩张期, 经济衰退,有时甚至沮丧. 我们还将探讨国家间贸易平衡的想法, 可以被描述为贸易顺差或贸易逆差.

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BEP 224 – 金融英语: 讨论预算 (2)

在本商务英语Pod课程中, 我们继续研究词汇和搭配 discussing a budget.

A budget is a plan for spending money. And you’ll often hear the word “budget” used as a noun. But “budget” is also a verb. We can budget carefully or poorly. We can budget not only money but also time. And how we budget can help or harm our business. If we spend too much money, we may decrease profits. But if we don’t spend enough money, the business may not grow or thrive. It’s all about balance.

A typical budget includes a long list of items that we need to spend money on. And in a budget meeting, you’ll hear people talk, or argue, about where to spend more and where to spend less. 所以, how do we do this? 出色地, in today’s dialog, we’ll learn some of the common expressions we use when we discuss budgets.

在我们听之前, 让我们谈谈 英语搭配. 搭配是母语人士经常一起使用的一组词. 正确的搭配听起来很自然, 虽然不正确的搭配听起来不自然. 例如, 在英语中,我们说“预算削减”来谈论减少支出. 但我们不能说“预算切片”或“预算削减”,”尽管“切片”和“砍”的意思是“切”。这些根本就不是自然的表达方式.

你会在今天的对话中听到很多有用的搭配. 当你听, 试着挑出这些自然的单词组合. 然后我们将解释它们的含义以及如何在汇报中使用它们.

Today we’ll rejoin Kate, 哈利, and Linda as they discuss the budget for their IT department. Kate and Harry are managers, and Linda is their supervisor. 上次, they talked about the past year’s budget. 今天, you’ll hear them making a plan for the upcoming year.


1. What does Kate say the finance department wants to focus on?
2. What is Harry’s concern about replacing the workstations?
3. What does Kate think can be changed to save money?

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BEP 223 – 金融英语: 讨论预算 (1)

欢迎回到Business English Pod,今天的课程 金融英语词汇 并讨论预算.

预算不仅仅用于 会计师. 几乎每个商界人士都必须 谈论金钱 以及如何使用它. 无论您是拥有一百万美元预算的经理还是只是跟踪您的支出的现场技术人员,都没关系. 你会谈论 金钱和预算.

实际上, 谈论预算无处不在. 打开新闻,不难听到人们讨论预算“削减”或预算“削减”。您可能会听说政府有预算“赤字”和预算“盈余”。大家都在为钱发愁, 并在商业上, 收入更多意味着支出更少. 这些是您今天将听到的主题.

在我们听之前, 让我们谈谈 搭配. 搭配是母语人士经常一起使用的一组词. 正确的搭配听起来很自然, 虽然不正确的搭配听起来不自然. 例如, 在英语中,我们说“预算削减”来谈论减少支出. 但我们不能说“预算切片”或“预算削减”,”尽管“切片”和“砍”的意思是“切”。这些根本就不是自然的表达方式.

你会在今天的对话中听到很多有用的搭配. 当你听, 试着挑出这些自然的单词组合. 然后我们将解释它们的含义以及如何在汇报中使用它们.

您将听到一家大公司 IT 部门的两位经理与他们的老板之间的对话. 凯特和哈利是经理, 琳达是老板. 他们正在讨论过去一年的预算以及他们如何花部门的钱.


1. 琳达首先想检查什么?
2. 哈利对部门一次性的巨额成本有何看法?
3. 据琳达说, 财务关心什么?

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BEN 20 – 美中经济展望

Business English for Economics

在这个 商务英语新闻 课, we take a look at the economic prospects for the USA and China.

The relationship between the world’s two biggest economies is sure to undergo some major changes in the months ahead. With Obama set to remain in the White House for 4 more years, and Xi Jinping moving in to Zhongnanhai for the next decade, all eyes will be on how the new faces work together amid these tough economic times.

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BEN 17 – Facebook的IPO: 善后

Business English News 17 - Facebook IPO Aftermath

在本商务英语新闻课中, we follow up on Facebook’s recent IPO.

After a long wait, and even more hype, Facebook joined NASDAQ on May 18th; although it wasn’t all smooth sailing for Zuckerberg and friends. After opening 30 minutes late, and climbing briefly from the opening price of $38 a share; reality set in.

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