
Business English News 31 – Crowdfunding

商务英语新闻 31 – Crowdfunding

Learn business English vocabulary and collocations for discussing Crowdfunding - an alternative source of finance for new startups.

一月 4, 2015

维维 40 – 金融英语词汇: 股票和股份 (2)

Learn financial English vocabulary for discussing finance and stocks and shares, including how stocks trade and close at a certain…

七月 24, 2014

维维 39 – 金融英语词汇: 股票和股份 (1)

Learn Business English vocabulary for discussing finance and stocks and shares.

七月 14, 2014

Business English Games – Economics Vocabulary


可能 18, 2014

商务英语新闻 28 – 欧元区复苏


可能 11, 2014

BEN 24 – China Credit Crunch

Learn Business English vocabulary and collocations for describing the economy in this lesson on the recent slow down of China's…

七月 21, 2013

BEP 232 – Discussing the Economy (部分 2)

在本商务英语Pod课程中, 我们看看描述经济的英语搭配和词汇.

六月 2, 2013

BEP 231 – Discussing the Economy (部分 1)


可能 26, 2013

维维 34 – 金融英语词汇: 宏观经济学 (2)


四月 25, 2013