ESL 播客

BEP 127 – English Meetings: 讨论问题 (2)

Learn Business English for discussing and solving problems in meetings.

行进 8, 2009

BEP 126 – English Meetings: 讨论问题 (1)

Learn language for discussing and solving problems in meetings.

二月 28, 2009

BEP 125 – Travel English: 租车

Learn English for travel and language for renting a car.

一月 10, 2009

BEP 124 – Travel English: 签出酒店

Learn English for travel and language for checking out of a hotel in English.

一月 3, 2009

BEP 123 – Negotiations: 达成交易

Learn business english for negotiations and how to close a deal during a negotiation.

十二月 6, 2008

BEP 122 – Negotiations: 克服障碍

Learn business English for negotiations and how to overcome the rejection of a proposal.

十一月 1, 2008