ESL 播客

BEP 29 – 会议: 英文不同意

在此商务英语播客中, 我们将专注于分歧. 我们将学习不同的英语方式, from…

一月 13, 2007

BEP 27 – 会议: 用英语发表意见

Learn how to give and ask for opinions in English. We'll look at the formal (或小心) language used in…

一月 3, 2007

BEP 26 – Travel: 转机和旅行问题

In this Business English Podcast we're going to look at the language used for more direct requests.

十二月 30, 2006

BEP 25 – Travel: 机场值机和礼貌性要求

In this two-part Business English Podcast series, we will be looking at the ESL vocabulary used when traveling by air,

十二月 17, 2006

BEP 24 – Teleconferencing: 使用外交语言

In this Business English Podcast we're going to listen to a teleconference between the head office management of a US…

十二月 10, 2006

BEP 23 – 打电话: 处理困难的客户

在最近的商务英语播客中 (BEP 22), we looked at how to deal with technical problems when speaking on…

十一月 29, 2006

BEP 22 – 打电话: 处理查询和技术问题

In this Business English Podcast lesson we continue our series on making telephone calls in English by looking at how…

十一月 13, 2006

BEP 21 – 打电话: 通话和留言

This is an intermediate level Business English Podcast on making telephone calls in English.

十一月 8, 2006

BEP 20 – 会议: 支持你的位置 (部分 3)

n the final episode of our three-part Business English Podcast series on supporting your position in meetings, we look at…

十月 29, 2006

BEP 19 – 会议: 支持你的位置 (部分 2)

Welcome to the second part of our Business English Podcast series on how to support your position or argument in…

十月 16, 2006