
BEP 293 – 实施计划的英语搭配 (2)

Learn Business English collocations and vocabulary related to planning.

十月 1, 2016

BEP 292 – 实施计划的英语搭配 (1)

Learn English collocations for discussing how to implement a plan.

九月 24, 2016

商务英语新闻 37 – Brexit

Learn Business English vocabulary and collocations related to Brexit.

八月 27, 2016

BEP 282 –求职面试英语词汇 (2)


一月 31, 2016

BEP 281 –求职面试英语词汇 (1)


一月 24, 2016

BEP 272 – English Collocations for Discussing Business Strategy (1)

Learn Business English collocations for discussing business strategy.

七月 12, 2015

BEP 257 – English Collocations for Discussing Staffing (2)


九月 7, 2014

BEP 256 – English Collocations for Discussing Staffing (1)

Learn English phrases and vocabulary for discussing staffing and hiring needs.

八月 31, 2014