
商务英语沟通课程,用于在商务和工作中用英语进行沟通. 学习如何用英语专业地交流.

Skills 360 – How to Overcome Cognitive Bias

技能 360 – 如何克服认知偏见

Learn how to overcome the cognitive biases that may impact decision-making.

六月 9, 2024

技能 360 – What is Cognitive Bias?

在此技能 360 lessons we look at cognitive bias.

可能 26, 2024

技能 360 – 调整你的沟通方式 (2)

Learn how to adapt your communication style to suit different situations.

七月 31, 2022

技能 360 – 调整你的沟通方式 (1)

Learn how to adapt your communication style to your audience.

七月 17, 2022

技能 360 - 顶部 10 商务英语技能 (1)

了解顶部 10 您需要成功的商务英语技能.

七月 20, 2019

技能 360 – Levels of Formality in English (部分 2)

Learn how to speak English using an appropriate level of formality.

一月 15, 2019