BEN 16 – 移动学习革命

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不久前, 学习不一样. 它发生在一个只有基础设施的教室里 – 黑板和粉笔, 教科书, 笔和纸, 学生和老师. 现在, 感谢移动学习 (或移动学习), 我们正处于人们学习方式的范式转变之中.

你认为 移动学习 是未来? 我们很想听听您对移动学习的体验. 您可以在下面的评论部分分享您的想法或回答我们的问卷调查 脸书专页.

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商务英语新闻 15 – Facebook的IPO

The value of ‘likesand ‘tagsgrew exponentially when Facebook filed its S-1 papers last month. Facebook will launch an Initial Public Offering (IPO) in May, paving the way for 27-year old founder Mark Zuckerberg, his staff, and even a graffiti artist to become exceptionally wealthy.

This month’s 商务英语新闻课 features lots of great vocabulary for talking about company valuations, growth and social networks. 使用下面的链接访问本课程的免费成绩单和测验.

Free Resources: Study Notes | Online Practice

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BEN 14 – 移动平台之战

Business English Lesson on Mobile Platforms
近几个月来,智能手机霸主之战达到了新的高度, 苹果和谷歌等行业重量级人物领导着诸如Research in Motion和Windows之类的长期移动巨头.

简要介绍下层, 但不断发展, 本月智能手机市场的历史 商务英语新闻课. 我们提供许多有关移动通信的精彩词汇, 销售与技术. 使用下面的链接访问本课程的免费成绩单和测验.

Free Resources: Study Notes | Online Practice

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BEN 13 – 欧元危机

BEN Eurozone Crisis


据《卫报》报道, “在G20峰会未能就向陷入困境的国家提供新的财政援助以及负债累累的意大利被迫同意国际货币基金组织对其紧缩计划进行监督之后,世界经济衰退已经临近。”

Free Resources: Study Notes | Online Practice

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商务英语新闻 12 – 史蒂夫·乔布斯致敬

Business English News is a new show on Business English Pod about current events, especially things happening in the business news.

As a company built and run on Mac computers, and with an audience that mainly uses Apple products to listen to our podcasts, it’s only fitting that we (re)launch this show with a tribute to Steve Jobs, who passed away on Wednesday 5th October.

Free Resources: Study Notes | Online Practice

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