BEN 21 – 的业务趋势 2013

Business Trends for 2013

在这个 商务英语新闻 课, 我们来看看前景 2013.

当世界响起 2013, 许多分析师和评论员认为,是时候拿出水晶球并尝试确定未来会发生什么了 12 月. 正如 OECD 秘书长 Angel Gurria 所解释的那样, 还有很多工作要做.

世界经济远未走出困境. 美国“债务上限辩论”, 如果它实现, 可能会使本已疲软的经济陷入衰退, 而未能解决欧元区危机可能会导致重大金融冲击和全球经济衰退. 各国政府必须果断行动, 使用他们可以使用的所有工具来扭转信心并促进增长和就业.

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BEN 20 – 美中经济展望

Business English for Economics

在这个 商务英语新闻 课, we take a look at the economic prospects for the USA and China.

The relationship between the world’s two biggest economies is sure to undergo some major changes in the months ahead. With Obama set to remain in the White House for 4 more years, and Xi Jinping moving in to Zhongnanhai for the next decade, all eyes will be on how the new faces work together amid these tough economic times.

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商务英语新闻 19 – 专利战争

Business English News Lesson on Apple's Patent Disputes

在这个 商务英语新闻课, 我们来看看最近有关技术专利的法庭之争.

一些人称之为“世纪专利审判”, 苹果和三星最近几周一直在拼命打架. 三星被认定侵权 7 Apple 的专利, 变成了 10 亿美元的征税.

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BEN 18 – 奥运事务

Business English News - The Olympics

在这个 商务英语新闻课, we take a look at the economic aspects of the Olympic Games.

The Olympic motto ‘Citius, Altius, Fortiuswill be in full force this year as London hosts the 30th Olympic Games. 然而, it won’t be just the athletes trying to go ‘higher, faster, stronger’, but also companies poised to rake in the dough in what many hope will be a financial windfall.

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BEN 17 – Facebook的IPO: 善后

Business English News 17 - Facebook IPO Aftermath

在本商务英语新闻课中, we follow up on Facebook’s recent IPO.

After a long wait, and even more hype, Facebook joined NASDAQ on May 18th; although it wasn’t all smooth sailing for Zuckerberg and friends. After opening 30 minutes late, and climbing briefly from the opening price of $38 a share; reality set in.

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