商务英语新闻 26 – 2013 评论中


As we usher in the New Year, it’s worth taking a moment to see how this year’s major business themes have played out. While smatterings of growth and dips in unemployment have brought relative stability to Europe and the US, analysts at Nomura foresee policy changes that may reshape global prosperity in the long-term.

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商务英语新闻 25 – 大数据


Explore the impact of Big data on business in this 商务英语新闻 课.

By now, odds are you’ve heard the termBig Data”. The thousands upon thousands of giga, tera, and peta bytes that are collected everywhere around us has caused concern for some, and jobs and wealth for others.

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BEN 24 – 中国信贷紧缩

BEN 24 - 中国信贷紧缩

全球金融焦点集中在中国,其经济和银行体系开始显示疲软迹象. 利率创历史新高, 而央行则袖手旁观, 据路透社报道.

在看到利率飙升至 25 某些交易的百分比或更高. 这样做是为了试图控制信贷过度增长, 尤其是在监管宽松的领域 “影子银行” 部门.

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BEN 23 – PC的尽头?

BEN 23

学习 商务英语词汇 以及用于描述趋势和技术的搭配 商务英语新闻 最近个人电脑销量下滑的教训.

不久前,我们中的许多人还可以指望每三年左右就会拥有一台新计算机. 硬件和软件升级突飞猛进, 消费者和企业寻求用闪亮的新盒子替换过时的机器. 然而, 正如《福布斯》所解释的那样, 事情发生了巨大的变化: “个人电脑出货量下降 14% 尽管推出了 Windows,但仍同比增长 8. 虽然微软及其粉丝可能还不想承认这一点, 视窗 8 失败了. 未能产生新的销售是糟糕的; 个人电脑出货量加速下降的趋势是非常可怕的。”

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BEN 22 – 远程办公: 回到办公室

Business English News 22 - Telecommuting

在这个 商务英语新闻 课, we look at trends in the workplace, particularly changing attitudes to telecommuting.

The question oflive to work or work to livehas been around for decades, with many employees trying to strike that perfect work-life balance. Employees around the world benefit from the use of modern technology to do their work in the comfort of their own homes.

Recently though, Yahoo’s CEO, Marissa Mayer, made some waves with her decision that all employees must work their 9 to 5s in the office.

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