
Business English News 36 – Internet of Things

商务英语新闻 36 – Internet of Things

Learn Business English vocabulary and collocations related to technology and the internet of things.

可能 15, 2016

商务英语新闻 35 – Tech Unicorns

Learn Business English vocabulary and collocations related to startups and technology unicorns.

一月 3, 2016

商务英语新闻 34 – The Sharing Economy

Learn Business English vocabulary and collocations for discussing the new sharing economy.

十月 11, 2015

商务英语新闻 33 – Employment Practices

学习讨论就业实践的词汇和搭配, 工作和工作.

七月 5, 2015

商务英语新闻 32 – Currency Wars

Learn Business English vocabulary for discussing the economy and currency markets.

四月 12, 2015

商务英语新闻 31 – Crowdfunding

Learn business English vocabulary and collocations for discussing Crowdfunding - an alternative source of finance for new startups.

一月 4, 2015

商务英语新闻 30 – Drones

在本商务英语新闻课中, 我们来看看商业无人机行业的发展.

九月 28, 2014

商务英语新闻 28 – 欧元区复苏


可能 11, 2014

商务英语新闻 27 – Microsoft Reboot

Learn Business English vocabulary and collocations for discussing business strategy and leadership.

二月 23, 2014