BVP 01 – 人力资源: 人力资源经理

Today we’re kicking off a new series of ESL business vocabulary podcasts based on people talking about their jobs. In these episodes, we’ll learn vocabulary and language that are useful across a wide range of different professions and industries.

In this podcast we’ll hear an HR manager, Greg, describe his work and responsibilities. Afterwards, we’ll study some key vocabulary. In particular we’ll be focusing on how words are collocated, or used together. Then we’ll practice what we’ve learned.

When we think about human resource managers, many of us just think of hiring and firing, but actually, as Greg explains, the job involves a lot more than that. HR handles everything from job evaluations to settling disagreements between workers and management.


1) What type of employment programs does Greg develop and manage?
2) Are there several HR managers or only one in Greg’s company?
3) Greg says that HR managers play a special role in companies that are unionized. What is this role?

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BEP 89 – 打电话: 安排

在本商务英语播客课程中,我们将探讨用于处理商务访问的实际细节的有用语言, 例如机场接送和餐厅或酒店预订. 此外,我们还将通过展示灵活性并在电话中礼貌地做出回应,来练习建立和维持商誉的方法.

Viva是一家意大利时装公司. Viva代表Marco和Francesca准备与其美国经销商一起参加拉斯维加斯的时装博览会, 狐步舞. 一场时尚博览会, 或博览会, 是一种贸易展览会或会议,潜在的购买者将目光投向制造商’ 产品.

在对话中,Marco打电话给他在Foxtrot的联系人Adriana讨论访问的细节. 聆听时,请尝试回答以下问题.


1) Adriana从Marco获得什么信息?
2) Marco需要什么帮助?
3) Marco对酒店有什么特殊要求吗??
4) Marco希望吃哪种食物?

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BEP 88 – 打电话: 预订旅游票

电话订票是商旅的基本组成部分. 在这个 中级商务英语播客, 我们将练习在电话中安排旅行时有用的短语和语言.

Viva 是一家意大利女装制造商’ 服饰, 或衣服. 马可和弗朗西斯卡, 维瓦员工, 正在出差. 拜访英国客户后, 他们现在正前往美国拉斯维加斯与美国经销商会面 – 在那里销售产品的公司. 马可打电话给旅行社为他们订票.


1) Marco 想什么时候离开,什么时候想回来? 他和弗朗西斯卡会乘坐头等舱吗, 商务舱或经济舱?
2) Marco 是否要求旅行社 “保留票价” 或者他立即付款吗?
3) Marco 需要到旅行社办公室领取他和 Francesca 的机票吗?

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BEP 87 – 英语面试: 谈论成就 (2)

BEP 87 - job interview business english

你正在听两部分中的第二部分 商务英语 播客系列 谈成就. 这是正在进行的一系列播客之一 英语面试.

这一集和最后一集的主题是提供例子. 在第一部分, 我们看了一位近期大学毕业生谈论他的学业成功的好坏版本. 我们研究了如何利用我们的成就来展示对我们潜在雇主有吸引力的技能和特征.

在本课中, 我们检查了对关于以前的经验和描述你的成就的问题的另一个很好的回答. 我们将寻找具有更多工作经验的人: Yala Santos 是在一家制造公司工作的人力资源专家. 她现在有机会面试一家快速消费品公司业务部门的人力资源经理职位, 趣饮国际. 让我们听听雅拉如何谈论她最大的成就.

通常, 在回答有关您最重要成就的问题时, 准备讲一个有条理和清晰的故事非常重要. 这意味着故事应该结构合理且流畅. 虽然有很多方法可以让你的演讲, Yala 使用了我喜欢遵循的相同的通用格式.


1. 您可能需要通过提供一些上下文来设置故事. 当时你在哪里? 情况如何? 什么危在旦夕, 那是, 你会失去或得到什么?
2. 重述你在这种情况下的角色. 你是怎么参与的?
3. 下一个, 讨论你做了什么, 包括任何分析或问题解决, 您设置的任何流程, 以及你必须克服的任何障碍.
4. 揭示结果以及让您感到自豪的原因.

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BEP 86 – 英语面试: 谈论成就 (1)

BEP 86 - business english interview

这是两部分中的第一部分 商务英语播客 系列上 talking about your accomplishments. It is one of an ongoing sequence of podcasts that focus on the job interview process.

Along with your previous experience, your greatest accomplishment is one of the topics that is sure to come up in almost any job interview. This question appears in a variety of forms: What was your proudest achievement? What was your most significant accomplishment? What do you consider to be your greatest success?

No matter how it’s asked, you should be ready with a reply. Interviewers want to hear about something important that you handled. Pick an achievement that is significant to you and that is rich in detail. These two qualities will make it easy to provide examples, which is the main theme of this series.

在本课中, we’ll be listening to a bad and good version of a recent graduate discussing his greatest accomplishment. We’ll focus on language for providing examples of the positive personal characteristics that our previous success demonstrates. 然后, in Part 2 of this series, we’ll hear another good example of someone with more job experience, and we’ll examine a four-part structure for telling our success stories.

第一, let’s quickly review the bad example. We’ll go back to Alexander’s interview with Michael in the electronics store. 当你听, consider the following questions. Then we’ll examine the answers in the debrief.


1. Does Alex put his success into an organized, articulate story?
2. Does he present his accomplishment in a way that provides examples of skills and qualities that will be useful at his new job?

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