BVP 03 商业词汇 – 办公室主管

今天的播客继续我们的商业词汇系列, 特别关注搭配或单词伙伴关系. 通过关注常用的单词,您可以提高词汇量以及理解说英语的同事的能力.

当你想到 “办公室管理”, 我首先想到的是什么? 它们可能是诸如文书工作之类的东西, 备案, 复制, 以及其他无聊且重复的任务. 大多数人可能不认为办公室经理的工作是支持公司成功运营的关键服务,, 所以, 它赚钱的能力.

出色地, 今天我们要见到托马斯, 谁来告诉我们他在一家跨国化学公司的墨西哥子公司担任办公室经理的角色.


1) 托马斯如何总结他作为办公室经理的角色?
2) 托马斯将哪些特征列为办公室经理的重要品质?
3) 根据托马斯的说法, 对于办公室经理工作的最佳方式,常见的误解是什么?

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BEP 114 – 求职面试英语: 人力资源对候选人的审查

BEP 114 - job interview listening

作为我们系列的一部分 工作面试, 在这个商务英语播客节目中,我们将从人力资源的角度仔细研究这个过程. 特别, 我们将研究决定雇用谁的语言.

快速消费品公司 Fun Beverages 的巴西业务部门最近面试了几位人力资源经理职位. 现为区域人力资源总监, 泰德, 和事业部总经理, 乔治, 正在开会讨论入围名单, 或最终, 候选人.

当你听, 注意他们用来比较两位受访者并决定哪一位最适合的语言. 此外, 我们将研究他们如何支持候选人, 强调优先事项, 明确保留 (或第二个想法), 并建议行动.


1. 他们更喜欢哪个候选人以及为什么?
2. 两个主要候选人的相对优势和劣势是什么, 罗纳尔多和亚拉?
3. 关于雅拉的主要保留是什么?

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BEP 113 – 工作面试: 第二轮面试

BEP 113 - job interview English lesson

继续我们的系列 工作面试英语, 在本课中,我们将了解当你被要求进行第二轮面试时会发生什么.

恭喜! 你在第一轮面试中成功了, 你被召回进行第二次面试. 你应该期待什么? 关键词是更多 – 会有更多问题, 压力更大 – 和, 当然, 你得到这份工作的可能性更大.


在本课中 面试英语, 我们将研究如何证明我们与某个组织非常匹配. 此外, 我们将回顾一些其他有用的第二轮面试技巧, 比如总结之前的讨论,提到你之前忘记提到的东西.

我们将聆听雪莉对一家大型国际会计师事务所的第二次采访, 格里姆肖和基恩 (GK). 面试官是George Tan, 亚太区大客户经理.

当你听, 注意乔治和雪莉如何确定她非常适合该组织, 并尝试回答以下听力问题.


1. 乔治将 GK 描述为两者 “高压力” 和 “非常有益,” 但他担心雪莉是否准备好 “冒险。” 他这是什么意思?
2. Sherry 说什么是最吸引她加入 GK 的事情之一?
3. George 最关心 Sherry 的工作经历是什么??

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BEP 112 – 议价: 入门

This is part of an ongoing series on negotiations. 在这个商务英语播客节目中, we’ll study how to open a traditional commercial negotiation between buyer and seller. We’ll focus on creating goodwill, 开始, setting ground rules, suggesting an agenda and exploring possibilities.

We’ll be listening to a telephone conversation between Tony, a supplier of building materials, 和保罗, a purchasing manager for a large construction company in Canada. Paul is buying materials for a harbor project. A harbor is a protected area of water where boats dock, or park. For this project, Paul needs to buy anchor bolts. These bolts are the thick steel screws that are embedded or buried in concrete to support or anchor structural steel columns. Structural columns refer to the steel frameworks that hold buildings up.

This is the first time Tony and Paul have talked on the phone. 当你听, pay attention to the language they use to get the negotiation started, 并尝试回答以下问题.


1. How does Tony begin off the phone call to establish goodwill?
2. How long does Paul say he has available for the phone call?
3. Paul asks Tony how he will be using the bolts. How does Tony respond?
4. What other option does Paul want to explore with Tony?

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BEP 111 – 议价: 建立关系

This Business English Podcast episode on relationship building is part of an ongoing series on negotiation skills.

In negotiation, establishing a good relationship based on trust makes it possible to jointly search for creative solutions, to overcome blockage and even to turn conflict into a productive force.

Both Peter and Maxine are owners of local telecommunication services that provide mobile phone users with ring tones and games. Peter’s company, Textacular, has a significant presence in Denmark; 同时, Maxine’s company, Gamester, is based in northern Germany.

Peter is working on a plan to sell his business to a large, European-wide telecom service provider. In an effort to increase his company’s value so that he can get more money for it, Peter wants to roll up or buy other local services like his. In today’s listening, he is having lunch with Maxine to find out whether she might be interested in selling her company. 对话框开始时, they have just ordered their food.


1) Have Peter and Maxine met before?
2) What does Peter say is his and Maxine’sbiggest overlapping concern?”
3) How does Peter bring up the subject of a possible merger between his and Maxine’s company?

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