
Business English News 36 – Internet of Things

商务英语新闻 36 – Internet of Things

Learn Business English vocabulary and collocations related to technology and the internet of things.

可能 15, 2016

BEP 23c – 电话英语: 采取行动

Learn Business English for confirming arrangements and getting action over the phone.

可能 8, 2016

BEP 22c – Telephone English: 查询


四月 24, 2016

925 英语课 3: 如何保持对话的进行

Learn how to keep and conversation going in English and how to end it.

四月 17, 2016

BEP 286 –个性和品格的成语 (2)

Learn Business English idioms for describing people's personality and character.

四月 10, 2016

BEP 285 –个性和品格的成语 1

Learn English idioms for describing personality and character.

四月 3, 2016

技能 360 – How to Influence People (2)

Learn Business English language and techniques for influencing people.

行进 27, 2016

技能 360 – How to Influence People (1)

Learn Business English techniques for influencing and persuading people.

行进 20, 2016

维维 48 –制造业英语词汇 2

Learn Business English vocabulary related to manufacturing processes.

行进 14, 2016

维维 47 –制造业英语词汇 1


行进 8, 2016