
Business English News 42 – Trade Wars

商务英语新闻 42 – Trade Wars

Learn business English vocabulary related to international trade and trade wars.

六月 5, 2019

BEP 343 – Interview English: 第二轮行为面试

Learn English interview techniques for succeeding in a behavioral interview.

可能 25, 2019

BEP 342 – Interview English: 2第二轮英语技术面试

Learn English interview skills for succeeding in a second round technical interview.

可能 14, 2019

925 英语课 27 – Using Questions to Ask for Details

Learn how to use questions to ask for information in English.

可能 5, 2019

BEP 338 – Teleconference English: 参加在线会议


行进 12, 2019

BEP 337 – Teleconference English: 召开在线会议

Learn Business English for running teleconferences and conference calls in English.

行进 2, 2019