
BEP 354 – Business English Coaching 3: Reviewing Progress

BEP 354 – 商务英语辅导 3: 审查进度


二月 9, 2020

BEP 353 – 商务英语辅导 2: 设定目标

Learn business English for coaching and setting goals.

一月 29, 2020

BEP 352 – 商务英语辅导 1: 需求分析

Learn business English for coaching and conducting a needs analysis.

一月 19, 2020

技能 360 – How to Get a Year-End Bonus (2)

Learn how to get a great year-end bonus.

十二月 11, 2019

BEP 351 – Idioms for Describing Relationships (部分 2)

Learn English idioms for describing relationships.

十一月 19, 2019

BEP 349 – Purchasing 2: 产品和供应商要求

Learn business English for discussing product requirements and vendor criteria.

十月 20, 2019