
商务英语播客课程适合各个级别的商务英语. 这些课程着眼于各种职场会议英语技能, 演示文稿, 打电话, 谈判中, 工作面试, 旅行, 和商务谈话.

BEP 409 – Quality Control 2: Customer Service

BEP 409 – 质量控制 2: 客户服务

Learn English collocations related to quality control, particularly the service aspect.

七月 7, 2024

BEP 408 – 质量控制 1: 制造业

Learn English collocations for discussing quality control in the manufacturing process.

六月 23, 2024

技能 360 – 如何克服认知偏见

Learn how to overcome the cognitive biases that may impact decision-making.

六月 9, 2024

技能 360 – What is Cognitive Bias?

在此技能 360 lessons we look at cognitive bias.

可能 26, 2024

BEP 35c – Meetings: 澄清其含义

Learn how to clarify the meaning of what someone says.

可能 12, 2024

BEP 407 – 财经英语 5: 比较机会

Learn English for finance in this lesson on comparing investment opportunities with a client.

四月 28, 2024

BEP 406 – 财经英语 4: 推销新机会

Learn financial English in this Business English lesson on pitching an investment opportunity to a client.

四月 14, 2024

商务英语新闻 56 – 去全球化

In this Business English News lesson on the trend toward deglobalization, we look at business English vocabulary related to economics…

四月 1, 2024

BEP 34c – 澄清并确认所说内容

Learn how to clarify and confirm what was said during a conversation.

行进 17, 2024

技能 360 – 什么是 DEI: 多样性, 公平与包容

Learn about the impact and implications of DEI - 或多样性, 公平, 和包容性 - 在工作场所.

行进 3, 2024