庆祝 50 百万下载

这个周末,我们在播客历史上迈出了重要的里程碑: 50,000,000 资料下载!


新版本现已推出 – 商务英语应用程序

A new version of our 商务英语应用程序 is now available in the app store in the App Store: 下载 / 更新

To update your app, open your App Store app on your device and go to the ‘Updatestab. Tap the ‘Updatebutton next to the BEP app entry and your app will start updating.

Version 1.1 includes the 2 most requested features:

1. Ability to play/listen to audio when the device screen is locked.
2. Ability to play/listen to audio when the app is running in the background (IE. when another app such is open on your screen).

How to Restore your Previous Purchases After Upgrading

课程建设者 – 创建个性化课程

介绍 课程建设者: 搜索, 选择 & 将课程保存到您自己的个性化课程中.

有数百门 BEP 课程可供选择, 课程生成器为会员提供了一种快速、简单的方法,可以根据他们的喜好和需求将资源组织到课程中. 用户可以按主题或自定义搜索查询搜索课程,并选择他们想要学习的个别课程. 然后可以将这些课程拖到您的首选顺序中并另存为课程,该课程仅供您使用,并且可以从课程构建器页面轻松访问.

课程构建器可供所有人使用 高级会员.

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