BEP 88 – 打电话: 预订旅游票

电话订票是商旅的基本组成部分. 在这个 中级商务英语播客, 我们将练习在电话中安排旅行时有用的短语和语言.

Viva 是一家意大利女装制造商’ 服饰, 或衣服. 马可和弗朗西斯卡, 维瓦员工, 正在出差. 拜访英国客户后, 他们现在正前往美国拉斯维加斯与美国经销商会面 – 在那里销售产品的公司. 马可打电话给旅行社为他们订票.


1) Marco 想什么时候离开,什么时候想回来? 他和弗朗西斯卡会乘坐头等舱吗, 商务舱或经济舱?
2) Marco 是否要求旅行社 “保留票价” 或者他立即付款吗?
3) Marco 需要到旅行社办公室领取他和 Francesca 的机票吗?

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BEP 72 – 打电话: 语音信箱留言

当您呼叫某人但他们不在时, 通常是他们的语音信箱 “捡起” 或接听电话. 那你得留言. 在工作中使用电话的任何人都必须处理语音邮件.

您是否曾经开始在某人的语音信箱中留言, 然后当你听到 “嘟” 声音, 你不知道该说些什么? 当您说外语时, 没有准备的谈话可能会充满挑战, 特别是当您看不到或听到与您交谈的人时. 但是稍加练习, 您将成为语音信箱专业人士.

这就是我们将在本商务英语课程中学习的内容 – 语音邮件的标准短语和语言, 下次你在这里 “嘟” 你会确切地说出什么.

首先,我们将听到一个不好的例子. 贾斯汀·托马斯(Justin Thomas)为一家名为Trivesco的运输经纪人工作. 经纪人是 “中间人” – 在这种情况下,贾斯汀是 “新建筑物” 经纪人, 这意味着他可以帮助人们买卖新船. 贾斯汀打电话给西尔维·彼得森, 造船公司Schmidt和Larsen的经理. 在第二个示例中,我们听到了贾斯汀的同事, 马克·兰德, 留下更专业的信息.

听力问题 (好消息)

1) 马克·兰德希望与西尔维谈论什么?
2) 他什么时候可以接听Sylvie的电话?
3) 马克(Mark)如何对邮件做出积极评价?

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BEP 67 – 与同事在工作中交往

This is the fourth in a series of intermediate business ESL podcasts that focus on business travel. In this series we’re following a group of trainees who work for the telecommunications company Ambient as they visit their head office in Michigan in the U.S.

How do you make friendly chat with your colleagues? What kinds of topics can you talk about? We’ll be looking at some answers. 尤其, we’ll cover informal greetings and how to chat about movies. As almost everyone loves to go to the cinema, movies are usually a good topic for small talk.

As our listening begins, it’s Monday morning. Honesto, a trainee from the Philippines, says hello to his American colleague Brenda as she comes in to the office.


1) What does Brenda mean when she says “veg out”?
2) What are critics and what did they think about Rush Hour 3?
3) How does Brenda like her coffee?

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BEP 56 – 商务旅行 2: 海关与移民

Continuing our series on ESL for business travel, we rejoin Alan and Honesto on their business trip to the USA. 在 BEP 55 – Airport Departures and Take Off, 艾伦, the main character in our story, and Honesto, his colleague, have left Hong Kong for San Francisco. There they will go through immigration, collect their bags, and change planes to Michigan, which is where their company, 周围, is headquartered.

Immigration is the process you follow to enter a foreign country. So in today’s ESL lesson, you’ll learn helpful travel vocabulary and phrases you can use when you enter the U.S. or other countries.


1) What is an I-94 form?
2) How much money can you bring into the U.S.?
3) Where does Alan want to go sightseeing?
4) What does Alan mean byjust pulling your leg?”

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BEP 55 – 商务旅行: 机场起飞和起飞

This Business English Podcast lesson is the first in a series of shows that will follow an employee of a manufacturing company on a training trip to the U.S. Over the series, we’ll practice many situations that will be useful for you on your business trips overseas, including going through immigration, renting a car, checking into a hotel, using wireless internet and so on.

The main character in our story is Alan Chen. He works for a major multinational electronics manufacturer, 周围, which is headquartered in Michigan in the USA. Having recently received a promotion, Alan is going to America to learn 6 Sigma, which is a system for improving quality.

Today’s episode starts at the beginning of the business trip withboarding the airplane.


1) What row are Alan and Honesto sitting in?
2) What should passengers turn off before the plane takes off?
3) What does Alan mean bymurder a scotch.

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