BEP 136 – 会议: 制作进度报告

In this Business English Pod episode we’re going to look at making a project progress report during a meeting.

All managers need written progress reports from their staff, but it is often necessary to make a verbal progress report during a meeting. A verbal report can be thought of as a combination of a presentation and a question and answer session.

When making a progress report, you’ll need to start with the overall status of the project, and then go on to explain how much of the work has been completed, at what stage the work is now, what remains to be done and, 当然, what problems might have arisen. Because the format islive”, people may interrupt to ask questions or make comments and you should be sure of your facts when you go into the meeting.

We’ll be listening to Angela, who works in the Operations department of her company. Blaine & Co. They plan to move to a new head office and the renovation, or preparation, of their space is currently underway. Angela has visited the new office and spoken with the key people on-site. 对话框开始时, she is called upon to give a verbal report on the progress of the renovation.


1) What did Angela do to prepare for this meeting?
2) Will Blaine & Co. be able to move as planned?
3) Where will Blaine & Co. get money to cover the extra costs?

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BEP 124 – 旅游英语: 签出酒店

If you’ve ever checked into a hotel, there’s one more thing you’ll definitely have to do before you leave, check out of the hotel and pay the bill. 所以, in this 商务英语播客 lesson we’ll be looking at some of the language you might use as you’re preparing to depart.

A while back, 在 BEP 55BEP 56, we were introduced to Alan Chan and Honesto Salvador, two employees of a US electronics manufacturer visiting the USA on a business trip. As part of their training they have made a trip to Boston and will also travel to a nearby plant in New Haven. We join Alan and Honesto at the hotel in Boston as they go to reception to check out and pay the bill.


1. How does Honesto feel about breakfast at the hotel?
2. Who was responsible for the minibar charge?
3. Why does Honesto mention his club membership?
4. How will Alan and Honesto get to the airport?

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BEP 119 – 打电话: 预约

在此商务英语播客中, 我们将研究电话预约中使用的语言.

我们生活在远程通讯时代: 电话会议, 视频会议, 和在线会议. 越来越多的团队努力正在远距离完成. 理论上, 至少, 可以不离开我们的办公桌而与世界上任何人紧密合作. 不过, 面对面会议有些事情是虚拟会议无法替代的. 我们仍然需要与人们握手, 阅读他们的肢体语言, 并建立个人联系. 这就是为什么 – 即使在今天 – 电话最常见的用途之一就是预约. 在这一集, 我们将仔细研究通过电话进行约会.

戈登·奈特(Gordon Knight)为布里奇沃特(Bridgewater)工作, 美国. 养老保险基金. (养老基金是投资退休储蓄的机构。) 在最近的会议上, 高登认识叶P, 所罗门克莱德亚洲市场办事处高级金融分析师. 所罗门是一家精品店 – 或小而专业 – 仅与机构客户打交道的全球投资公司 – 非常大的客户, 就像布里奇沃特. 现在, 戈登计划在马来西亚, 他打电话给潘妮(Penny)约好讨论投资可能性.


1. 戈登何时何地会见潘妮?
2. 戈登什么时候建议与潘妮会面?
3. 他为什么要和Penny见面?
4. 他们什么时候终于达成共识?

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BEP 96 – 社交: 商务餐

In most parts of the world, having lunch or dinner together is an important part of doing business. In places such as North America, eating meals is a way of building a relationship or celebrating a partnership. And in other cultures, such as China, much of the real work of making deals actually often gets done over the dinner table.

No matter where you are doing business, it’s important to be able to handle the basics of dining out. This includes ordering food, recommending dishes, proposing a toast, and paying for the check, among other things. These skills will be the focus of this episode.

在聆听中, we continue to follow Mario and Francesca, who represent the Italian fashion company Viva, on their visit to the U.S. As planned, they are having dinner in Las Vegas with their distributor Adriana, who works at the American company Foxtrot. 账单, one of their new customers, has also joined them.

When the dialog begins, the group has already made some small talk and looked at the menu. Now they are ready to order.


1) Why doesn’t Francesca want to try thesteak tartare?”
2) How does Francesca signal that she’s ready to go back to the hotel?
3) Who pays for the meal?

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BEP 89 – 打电话: 安排

在本商务英语播客课程中,我们将探讨用于处理商务访问的实际细节的有用语言, 例如机场接送和餐厅或酒店预订. 此外,我们还将通过展示灵活性并在电话中礼貌地做出回应,来练习建立和维持商誉的方法.

Viva是一家意大利时装公司. Viva代表Marco和Francesca准备与其美国经销商一起参加拉斯维加斯的时装博览会, 狐步舞. 一场时尚博览会, 或博览会, 是一种贸易展览会或会议,潜在的购买者将目光投向制造商’ 产品.

在对话中,Marco打电话给他在Foxtrot的联系人Adriana讨论访问的细节. 聆听时,请尝试回答以下问题.


1) Adriana从Marco获得什么信息?
2) Marco需要什么帮助?
3) Marco对酒店有什么特殊要求吗??
4) Marco希望吃哪种食物?

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