
这是发布的所有商务英语课程的完整列表 商务英语播客 从 2006 展示, 从最近的课程开始.

学习 商务英语 随着 600 商务英语课程涵盖会议中的所有内容, 演示文稿, 谈判和商务写作访谈, 语法和词汇. 每节课都包含一份完整的 PDF 成绩单, 完成对话, 老师讲解, 例子, 和口语练习部分. 在词汇表中查找关键词和习语,并在复习部分练习目标语言. 我们适合移动设备的课程模块结合了音频和文字记录,提供身临其境的学习体验, 非常适合在桌面和移动设备上在线学习商务英语. 此外, 每节课都附有练习测验,以加强您的听力, 语言, 和词汇技能.


81 对“商务英语播客课程”的思考”

  1. Thanks very much for the information. I´d like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on the great material you make available; it is really interesting and useful.
    I hope you release more free material to all users in the near future.




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  3. You have no idead how Im interested in this podcast!
    All lessons are GREAT!
    Ive been looking for it more than a month, and finally I got what I wanted.

    Thanks Business English Pod

  4. I am very interested with this website.
    It is verry helful to me.
    If I want to have the script after listioning each BEP, what do I have to do to get it? Could you Please tell me the way to download the scripts?
    Thank you verry much,
    Thank businessenglishpod

  5. Dear Administrator,

    Thank you very much for your continuos effort to help us.
    It seem your website is better than it before.
    New design make me can see all the lessons.

  6. 回拨: ECC | 網站介紹–商务英语播客

  7. 回拨: BUSINESS ENGLISH GRATIS ONLINE « Communication Village :: Blog

  8. The web is really useful for me and all people studying English. The quality of podcast is good and I hope there will be more useful and interesting lessons. 谢谢! :)

  9. i really much appreciating such an opportunity to write to my favorite podcast which truly beneficient for me in both ways ( 英语 & 商业 ) but iam inquiring about why the above materials r not included entirely in my i tunes where i get know of your valuable site .

  10. @Jack
    Thanks for letting us know. Working on a solution (there is already a China RSS feed but this is also redirecting to Feedburner). Hope to have a fix before the end of the year. No ‘river crabis going to stop BEP and our China buddies ;)

  11. 你好 (Libya)
    Can you please publish any course about Material Management ( warehouse-stock control-purchasing-classification)
    finally thanks a lot i have improve my english language and my management knowledge and skill
    Best Regads

  12. @Suliman,
    Materials management might be a bit too specialized for our audience, but we plan to cover the related topic of logistics in a future Video Vocab series.

  13. @Thiago, Just ‘right-click’ 这 下载 link below the audio player to download the file. And then add the downloaded MP3s to your preferred MP3 player and burn a CD.

  14. Wow I’ve been looking and waiting for this a quite sometime. The topics are good and i know i will learn so much for this. Thank you so much and happy new year business English pod.

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  22. 做得好, 商务英语播客. I am a member already. It is worth it to sign up.this podcast always has some stuff that I need.

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