BEP 321 – Project Management 6: 启动用户测试

BEP 321 Lesson Module - English for Project Management 6: User Testing

欢迎回到 商务英语播客 今天的课程 项目管理英语 and launching user testing for a software project.

At the heart of every software project is the user. If the user finds the software confusing, or if it doesn’t do what the user needs it to do, what’s the point? 为此原因, user testing is an essential part of the development process.

User testing can involve a range of activities. You might watch how users interact with the software. You might track or monitor how they use it. And you might ask them for their opinions. 通过这种方式, you collect information and feedback that helps you create the best user experience possible. And just as the software itself needs to be user friendly, so does user testing. If people don’t have a clear idea of what they’re supposed to do during testing, you’ll be wasting an opportunity.

So when you launch testing, it’s important to outline what you’re going to be doing, and what kind of feedback you’re interested in. Because the software is new to the test users, you’ll need to give them clear instructions on how to use it and give them an overview of the main features. You might also find yourself emphasizing key points along the way. 毕竟, it’s much easier to make sure everyone understands upfront than to deal with confused users during testing.

在今天的对话中, 我们会听到吉尔, a developer with a software company called OptiTech. They’ve been developing software for a logistics company, and now they are ready to launch the first round of user testing. We’ll also hear Liam, 客户的IT经理, and Carla, one of the test users.


1. What does Jill say will be the final step in this test?
2. 本次测试重点关注软件的哪三个方面?
3. Jill强调司机们绝对需要做什么?

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