925 英语 – 课 3: 如何保持对话的进行

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In our last 925 英语课, we had a look at how to start a 英语对话. 在本课中, we’re going to learn how to keep a conversation going and how to end it.

There’s no point in striking up 对话 with someone if you can’t keep it going. 但这涉及什么? 我的意思是, it’s more than just asking and answering questions, 对? 所以, what kinds of things can we say or do to make the conversation flow naturally? 出色地, one important way that we keep a conversation going is by showing interest in what someone says. Besides learning how to keep a conversation going, we’ll also look at language for showing interest, changing the topic and ending the conversation.

925 英语 将是一个针对初级和中级学习者的新商务英语播客. 925 英语课程将重点关注您可以在工作和商业中使用的语言块和英语表达. 每 925 英语课程将以您可以在不同情况下使用的英语短语为特色,并提供关于为什么以及如何使用它们的建议 商务英语.

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