BEP 258 – 困难面试情况 1

欢迎回到Business English Pod,参加今天的课程 工作面试情况 和问题.

我们都知道面试很紧张. 我们都知道减轻压力的关键之一就是做好准备. 但是有时, 无论我们准备得多么充分, 我们发现自己处境艰难. 也许我们被要求谈论一个弱点, 也许我们不了解有关我们正在面试的公司的重要信息.

无论我们面临什么面试困难, 我们需要深呼吸, 保持冷静, 并表现出信心. 幸好, 我们可以学习语言技巧来帮助我们在艰难的面试中取得成功. 在今天的课程中, 我们将看看显示积极因素如何导致弱点, 我们如何尝试改变弱点, 以及我们如何成为团队合作者. 我们还将着眼于展示一般的行业知识并提出好的问题.

今天我们将听到两个简短的对话. 在第一, 我们会听到Sara采访一家大型零售连锁店的买方职位. 她正在接受尼克的采访. 在第二个对话框中, 我们会听到西蒙面试以担任银行经理的职位. 夏琳正在接受他的采访.


1. 萨拉给她固执的原因是什么?
2. 萨拉做了什么改变她的固执?
3. 西蒙说他对银行业有什么了解?

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4 关于“BEP”的思考 258 – Difficult Interview Situations 1

  1. i was very stressed in all my job interviews for that i fogot many words that i should say it and i lose my self confidence . 请, tell me what should i do?
    i didn’t get job for these reasons.

  2. You should apply and attend in job interview as much as possible, then you will be surprise about your interview skill by each time. Good luck!

  3. Self confidence is built with enough knowledge. Always research before presenting yourself for a job interview i.e. Understand the job description, read more about the company and keep your mind free of interview freight.

    Always you positive wording when responding to the questions and probe deep into your personal abilities and achievements you have had throughout your professional career. Go out there ready to prove your worth. Hope this helps. :)

  4. as not English-native speaker , I have to admit , English interview is more stressful than my mother language , I usually struggle with word choice and sentence structure ,worry about how to express thoughts correctly and sufficiently . impressed a lot by this article , even a short paragraph in simple chat. but it is a technique to turn tough question into positive quality and personality exhibition . 伟大的 !
    always understand the reason why thy ask the question , and respond properly and probe deep into your personal abilities and achievements .


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