技能 360 – 英语沟通技巧 (2): 澄清

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欢迎回到 技能 360 今天的课程是关于如何改善您的 沟通技巧.

人与人之间的交流从来都​​不是完美的. 即使与我们最亲近的人, 你可能认为我们可以很好地理解谁, 沟通不畅. 有时我们听不清楚, 或者我们根本听不到, 有时人们不会准确地表达想法. 这足以使情况复杂化, 然后我们可以加入隐含的意思和我们自己对间接所说内容的理解. 但不要害怕. 有办法克服沟通的雷区,把一切都说清楚. 这正是我们今天要看到的: 澄清人们所说的话.

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1 思考“技能 360 – 英语沟通技巧 (2): 澄清”

  1. Great resource that I’ll recommend to my students!

    Small peeve: The quiz execution is less than ideal when it comes to exercises where the student can make more than one choice, 例如. the matching exercises and theChoose all that apply” 练习.

    The student can make some choices but if they are not all 100% correct, the quiz does not explain *which* choices were not correct before giving them another attempt. The student can end up frustrated trying all possible combinations because they have not received immediate feedback on which things they got right and which they got wrong.

    But if I recall correctly, that’s one of the drawbacks of Articulate Quizmaker, in which


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