技能 360 – How to Say No (部分 1)

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Why is it so difficult to say “no”? 出色地, 你当然要礼貌, 厚道, 和蔼可亲. 如果是你的老板向你要东西, 你可能害怕失去青睐或机会. 如果是客户或客户要求某事, 你可能不想破坏关系.

但我想告诉你的是,在很多情况下你应该说不. 你应该知道怎么说. 你需要清楚, 公司, 和诚实.


1. Do you usually find it difficult to say “no” when someone asks you to do something?
2. Who do you have the most difficulty saying “no” to?
3. Why do you think saying “no” can sometimes be difficult?

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