技能 360 – 如何说不 (部分 1)

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为什么这么难说 “没有”? 出色地, 你当然要礼貌, 厚道, 和蔼可亲. 如果是你的老板向你要东西, 你可能害怕失去青睐或机会. 如果是客户或客户要求某事, 你可能不想破坏关系.

但我想告诉你的是,在很多情况下你应该说不. 你应该知道怎么说. 你需要清楚, 公司, 和诚实.


1. 你是否通常觉得很难说 “没有” 当有人要求你做某事时?
2. 你说谁最难 “没有” 至?
3. 你为什么认为说 “没有” 有时可能很困难?

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3 关于“技能 360 – 如何说不 (部分 1)”

  1. 1. Most of time, refusing someone’s requirements is a little hard for me, even though I’m reluctant. So this article is a good topic for me to learn some important points for refusing agreeablely.
    2. 出色地, for my relatives or my superior leaders, I always fail to say “没有”.
    3. Each of us want to be polite and agreeable, and do not want to shut the door in his/her face when they are asking you to help them out of a difficult situation. Also fearing that we would lose a good relationship.

  2. 1,有时, saying “no” to someone is very difficult for me. Especailly when my friends ask me to do something I don’t want to, it is really hard for me to say no. because I think refusing them will harm our relationship. 另一方面, I’ve no idea about how I can make it.
    2,Saying “no” to my friends and my boss would be the most difficulty thing to me.
    3,Because we have too many things to care about. We are not being clear, firm and honest enough. This article teaches me a lot. Next time when I want to say no, I would speak it out firmly.

  3. Saying No Skills are very usefull, but refusing is alway a risky thing, since it depends much on the personality of the person to whom you say no.


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