BEN 16 – 移动学习革命

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不久前, 学习不一样. 它发生在一个只有基础设施的教室里 – 黑板和粉笔, 教科书, 笔和纸, 学生和老师. 现在, 感谢移动学习 (或移动学习), 我们正处于人们学习方式的范式转变之中.

你认为 移动学习 是未来? 我们很想听听您对移动学习的体验. 您可以在下面的评论部分分享您的想法或回答我们的问卷调查 脸书专页.

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3 关于“BEN”的想法 16 – 移动学习革命”

  1. 你好 ! I’m Josiette from France. It’s very interesting. I use every day my mobile phone in order to learn english or others training. ITUNE U is very important to discover any University through the world.
    I congratulate you for the excellent work offer by business english. There are a lot of good materials to improve my english. Thank you of all.

  2. Hi JosietteThanks for the nice comments, and we’re glad that you find these materials so useful.

    I know for me, personally, I use my mobile/mp3 for some Italian learning, and my iPad helps me stay informed on a lot of the financial language and topics that I need to understand for my lessons.

    Are there some specific courses or universities that you’ve followed with iTunes U?

  3. Hi Josiette,

    good comment and well expressed.
    I also try to improve my English
    What has become of you?


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