技能 360 – 电话英语小贴士 (部分 2)

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通过电话进行有效沟通是一项基本技能. 无论您是在与客户交谈, 一个同事, 供应商, 你的老板, 或自行车快递员, 你需要确保你的目的和信息是明确的. 上个星期, 我们专注于您的 电话态度. 今天, 我们将研究确保信息顺畅流动并引导对话的方法.


1. 在接到重要电话之前你通常会做多少计划?
2. 当您不明白某人在电话中想说什么时,您通常会怎么做?
3. 当您给某人留言时,您通常会包含哪些信息?

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8 关于“技能 360 – 电话英语小贴士 (部分 2)”

  1. 你好, 人们!
    My name is Rosa iam from Angola/Luanda
    iam new one and really enjoy all the lessons here.thanks so much for giving us this fantastic websit.

  2. 你好, I am Ellen who from China and now i am living in US. I need to learn english so I came here, this is great website, i like it so much… 谢谢

  3. I’ve been looking for this kind of website long ago. It’s a shame to find it later but it helps a lot and it’s great!!!
    I look forward to learning from you and my advance gratitude to all the staffs.

    more power, blessings and episodes to come!

  4. 你好 , I am export manager of a Chinese factory, I have been dealing with export business for 7 年, and i learned a lot from this website, 非常感谢!


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