商务英语游戏 – 赌博成语

测试您对我们最近关于赌博习语的商务英语课程中介绍的英语赌博习语的了解: BEP 175176. 打好你的牌,你就可以中大奖.

Click the “Launch” button to play:


查看我们其他有趣的在线游戏 商务英语游戏部分.

4 thoughts on “Business English Games – 赌博成语”

  1. Hello Dear Sir
    Do you know ,where can i have English Language Business Course with practical training as a work experience in a company.
    for example i can have practical training with them in their office .
    if you know especialy in UK ,please provide me with the address


  2. Really amazing game….But alas!! I couldn’t win million ….
    No problems, I will surely try again and nail it .
    Your site is really awesome :-)

  3. Awesome games! I wasn´t able to win a million, but it doesn´t matter. I´ve learned so much playing your games.Thanks a lot.


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