BEP 156 – 社交英语: 联网 (部分 2)

This is the second of a two-part Business English Pod lesson on business networking.

Networking is all about people and connections. You never know when someone you meet at a conference or trade show may be able to help your business in the future. Likewise, you may be able to help someone else out. So building and maintaining a network of business contacts is essential.

But once you meet a prospective contact, how do you maintain that connection? This is what we’ll focus on today. We’ll talk about ways to steer a conversation toward a lead. We’ll also cover ways to shoot for a meeting and be persistent. And we’ll look at the other side and discuss ways to politely leave a conversation.

Today’s lesson is mainly about sales, but these functions can be easily applied to other situations.

上次, we met Ian, a sales rep for a pharmaceutical company, and Marissa, a pharmacy manager at Children’s Hospital. They met at a conference and Marissa mentioned her frustration with her current pharmaceutical supplier. Deliveries are often late and are sometimes packaged incorrectly. She’s concerned about getting supplies for her hospital’s vaccine clinics. And that’s where the conversation resumes today.


1. What supplies does Marissa’s pharmacy need?
2. Why does Ian suggest grabbing a cup of coffee?
3. What is Marissa’s schedule like right now?

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3 关于“BEP”的思考 156 – 社交英语: 联网 (部分 2)”

  1. I’m very impressed by this program. It is nice to hear different voices and get to used to accent and tone of voices. The structure of this program is easy to understand and follow. 谢谢!


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