BEP 110 – 求职面试英语: 压力问题

正如我们在其他剧集中讨论的那样 英语工作面试, one goal of the person conducting the interview is to get you to “let your guard down.” Often, after a series of “warm-up questions,” the interviewer will give you a tough question. This will likely come “out of the blue,” that is, 不料. We call these types of questions “stress questions” because part of the intention is to see how you react under pressure.

常见的压力问题类型包括问题, 例如如何解决商业案例研究甚至数学问题, to “behavioral questions,” such as how to deal with imaginary work situation involving conflict or communication.

这类问题的关键是“不要惊慌!”这是这一集的主题. 我们将研究可以帮助您冷静冷静地处理此类查询的策略和语言.

听力问题 (好的例子):

1. What is the interviewer’s “stress question?”
2. 雅拉做什么来给自己一些思考时间?
3. 雅拉如何回答问题?

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