BEP 53 – 客户服务: 处理投诉 1: 移情

良好的客户服务对于任何行业的成功都至关重要, 但这在服务和酒店业尤为重要. “款待” 意味着善待客人; 和这里, 我们专门讨论酒店. 因为服务对于酒店业来说至关重要, 酒店是寻找优质服务实践的好地方.

所以今天我们将监听 Majestic 酒店一位愤怒的顾客打来的电话, 上海某五星级酒店. 通过聆听服务实践的坏例子和好例子, 我们将学习对任何行业都有用的技能, 无论您面对的是内部还是外部客户.

我们会发现,处理愤怒的顾客的一个非常重要的部分就是表现出同理心: 同理心与同情心相似 – 这意味着表明您了解客户的痛苦.


1) 客户如何, 史蒂夫, 了解服务人员的姓名?
2) 史蒂夫的问题是什么?
3) 珍娜如何更好地处理投诉?

1) 当史蒂夫说, “我已经束手无策了,” 他什么意思?
2) 桑迪做了什么让史蒂夫平静下来?

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8 关于“BEP”的思考 53 – 客户服务: 处理投诉 1: 移情”

  1. These are very good examples, I understand the style, calm voice and showing concern are the main keys, but listening actively is very important

  2. Good points Moctar. The added bonus is that neither require advanced language skills, just a little practice and awareness of the techniques.

  3. They are useful Tips for a good customer service which we need to deal with difficult customers as well as with difficult coworkers,”Listening actively is very helpful to solve any dispute or misunderstanding”.

  4. 回拨: Business English Podcasts | Oral Business English

  5. 瓦莱丽·巴宾顿

    ITs good to review the strategy of handling customer complaints. 是的, empathy is very important and the first line of defence….People do tend to relax a little once you show them you understand and that you care….two very important points.

    A good review!


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