BEP 44 – 社交: 进行对话

今天的商务英语播客课程是第一节 社交英语基础知识系列分为两部分: 开始对话, 保持下去, 并适当地完成它. 成功的对话是网络的重要组成部分 – 建立联系和关系网络的技巧.

在本课中, 您将学习适当开始和结束对话的技能和语言. 下一个, 你将练习如何让谈话继续下去.

这些对话是在 Multi-Fresh 亚太人力资源会议上进行的, 全球主要健康饮料生产商. 饮料就是饮料.

你会听到两个对话. 在第一, 一分钱, 来自马来西亚的人力资源官员, 与乔治攀谈, 亚太学习与发展经理. “To shot up a talk”是指开始对话, 通常是和不太了解的人一起.

在第二次对话中, 拍, 来自澳大利亚的人力资源官员, 然后尽力与乔治搭讪.


1) Penny 是哪个办公室的?
2) 佩妮对这次演讲有何看法?
3) 帕特和乔治已经认识了吗?
4) 乔治有时间和帕特谈谈吗?

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10 关于“BEP”的思考 44 – 社交: 进行对话”

  1. 回拨: BEP 45 INT - 社交: 保持对话 | 商务英语播客 :: 专业商务英语播客

  2. 回拨: News » 社交: 保持对话

  3. 回拨: 社交: 进行对话 | Baker Street

  4. In the US we don’t say that someone’s name slipped my tongue. We say his nameslipped my mind”, meaning we can’t recall someone’s name. We also say, when we just can’t recall what someone’s name is, “His name was on the tip of my tongue.Meaning we were very close to remembering but just couldn’t say the name.
    When we refer to a ‘slip of the tonguewe mean to say something that we didn’t intend to say. Such as, “When she was arguing with her boss, it slipped off her tongue that she was thinking of leaving the company.She didn’t intend to say that, but she did.

  5. What is your opinion of the resource?
    I like how it haslistening questionsfor each videoit encourages listener’s attentiveness to the topic being discussed

    • Would you use it with your learners? 为什么? Why not?
    I certainly will use it with my learners as it is visually stimulating and not complicated to understand

    • What kind of learners do you think it would be appropriate for?
    It will be appropriate for visual learners who are growing their careers

    • How would you use the resource?
    I will use the resource to help build social skills in a business environment

    • What difficulties might you have using the resource and how would you overcome them?
    I may have


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