BEP 38 – 用英语描述程序

在本商务英语播客课程中,我们将了解如何解释或描述程序. 我们还将了解一些常见的计算机词汇.

在我们的工作中, we often have to tell people about procedures and processes – explaining how to do something. This can be more formal – for example giving government visitors a demonstration of a production line – or informal – for example showing a colleague how to use the photocopier.

Today’s dialogue is a common situation where describing a procedure is useful – giving someone help. 它发生在艾丽卡, 一家时装设计公司. 你会听到桑迪, 一个会计师, 打电话给费利佩, 谁在 IT 部门工作. 桑迪的电脑出现问题,费利佩向她描述了修复该问题的过程.

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