商业新闻 06 – 离岸外包

这个商务英语新闻播客探讨了离岸工作的主题. “Offshoring” means to move part of a company’s operations (通常支持财务或人力资源等职能) to another country – literally “off shore.” Another commonly used term related to this topic is “outsourcing” – this means to use a different company to handle some supporting tasks. 主要区别在于外包并不一定意味着工作是在不同的国家完成的.

离岸外包的话题, 或外包工作到海外, 这些天肯定很流行, 西欧和北美的许多人非常担心这种做法会导致他们国家的就业机会减少. 然而, our story details a report from a well know management consultancy that concludes these concerns may be exaggerated or “overblown.”

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