BEP 130 – 演講: 提出一個想法 (2)

在最後 商務英語播客課程, 我們看到了經理在會議期間如何提出想法. 她解釋瞭如何修改公司網站,以便客戶可以直接訂購現成的產品, 無需聯繫銷售代表.

在今天的課程中, 我們將介紹處理意外異議的語言, 演示文稿的路標, 支持您的觀點並說服他人. 提出想法後, 您的同事將嘗試找到您論點中的薄弱環節,並且您將不得不提供證據證明您的想法值得支持. 我們將向您展示如何保持連貫一致, 有說服力的論點, 並有效地使用語言來支持您的觀點.

BEP 129 – 演講: 提出一個想法 (1)

這是由三部分組成的商務英語播客系列中的第一篇, 或呈現, 有說服力和令人信服的想法.

商界人士經常想出如何做得更好的想法, 或如何進行更改以為公司帶來更大的成本收益. 能夠向您的同事提出一個想法並說服他們支持您的建議是所有業務經理的一項關鍵技能.

所以在今天的課程中, 我們將介紹用於組織和構造您的想法的短語, 支持您的觀點,並使用他人的評論來介紹您的演示文稿的下一部分. 我們將向您展示如何保持連貫一致, 有說服力的論點, 並有效地使用語言來支持您的論點. 是你的同事’ 找出論點中的薄弱環節的任務,您將不得不預測它們的異議並在它們出現之前或之時進行處理.

BEP 128 – 打電話: 處理銷售電話

我們之前討論過如何通過電話與您認識的人進行約會 (BEP 119), 但是如果您還沒有遇到這個人或與他們建立關係呢?? 在今天的商務英語播客中, 我們將研究如何與潛在客戶聯繫,以及, 在線的另一端, 我們將研究可用於禮貌地拒絕信息諮詢或會議要求的語言.

我們在上一集中已經見過Viva Fashions的Mario. 現在,馬里奧(Mario)想與DeBourg Brands擁有的一系列美國商店的首席買家見面,但, 在此刻, 他甚至都不知道買家的名字. Mario is going to “cold call” the company and see if he can reach the buyer. 第一的, 他需要一個名字, 然後他需要嘗試與買家交談以進行預約.

聽力問題 – First Call:
1) 馬里奧採用什麼技術從瓊那裡獲取信息?
2) 您為什麼認為瓊同意幫助馬里奧?

聽力問題 – Second Call:
1) Why does Mario keep saying “thank you” instead of “please” after making a request?
2) 馬里奧在說明通話原因時使用哪種語言, 以及為什麼?
3) 在整個對話中, 馬里奧使用非正式語言來最小化他的要求. 你能舉幾個例子嗎?

高級會員: 學習筆記 | 網路測驗 | 詞組轉換 | 課程模組

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BEP 127 – 英語會議: 討論問題 (2)

This second part of a two-part 商務英語播客 series on running and participating in a problem-solving meeting.

In the first part of this meeting (see BEP 126), the team spent time answering the question: “What 問題?” In today’s episode, we’re going to focus on how to brainstorm solutions to a problem through discussion, how to evaluate and eliminate suggestions and then agree a plan of action.

Kathryn, the head of Human Resources at a medium-sized company, is meeting with department heads to discuss a problem they are having with low staff morale. The team has identified the root cause of the problem as the separation of staff across 3 different office locations.

Kathryn wants everyone to critique the ideas that the group has brought forward, in order to eliminate impractical suggestions. We’ll see how she confirms the best solution and how her team suggests points for action. 對話框開始時, Kathryn closes the brainstorming session and sums up the input that has been received.


1) How many ideas does the group come up with for solving the staff morale problem?
2) Which idea does the group agree is the best one to try?
3) Name one of the action points suggested near the end of the meeting.

*** 這節課是我們的一部分 商務英語電子書 會議: 會議要點. 高級會員 點擊這裡下載 完整的電子書.

Premium Members: Study Notes | Online Practice | PhraseCast | Lesson Module

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BEP 126 – 英語會議: 討論問題 (1)

召開會議的最常見原因之一就是解決問題. A meeting can be a great place to do this, because it is possible for a variety of people with different experiences and perspectives to work together to identify the problem and come up with possible solutions.

但, 雖然我們可能有合適的人參加會議, 該過程經常有缺陷,因為沒有明確地提出和回答一個問題: “問題是什麼?” So, in today’s episode we’re going to focus on how to define the problem through discussion and then restate the problem as a challenge. In the second part of this series, we’ll look at how to evaluate and eliminate suggestions and then agree on a plan of action.

We’ll be listening to Kathryn, the head of Human Resources at a medium-sized company, who is meeting with department heads to discuss a problem they’re having with low staff morale across all departments of the company. Morale is a word used to describe a general feeling or mood.

Kathryn wants everyone to consider possible hidden reasons for low morale at the company. We’ll see how she helps participants focus on breaking down the morale problem. 對話框開始時, Kathryn calls everyone to attention and begins the meeting.


1) What is the surface problem that Kathryn and the others can see?
2) What does the group decide is the true cause of this problem?
3) What is the challenge that the group faces at the end of the dialog?

*** 這節課是我們的一部分 商務英語電子書 會議: 會議要點. 高級會員 點擊這裡下載 完整的電子書.

Members: Study Notes | Quizzes | PhraseCast | Lesson Module

Download: Podcast MP3