本 21 – 的業務趨勢 2013

Business Trends for 2013

在這個 商務英語新聞 課, 我們來看看前景 2013.

當世界響起 2013, 許多分析師和評論員認為,是時候拿出水晶球並嘗試確定未來會發生什麼了 12 月. 正如 OECD 秘書長 Angel Gurria 所解釋的那樣, 還有很多工作要做.

世界經濟遠遠沒有走出困境. 美國“債務上限辯論”, 如果它實現, 可能會使本已疲軟的經濟陷入衰退, 而未能解決歐元區危機可能導致重大金融衝擊和全球經濟衰退. 各國政府必須果斷行動, 使用他們可以使用的所有工具來扭轉信心並促進成長和就業.

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本 20 – 美中經濟展望

Business English for Economics

在這個 商務英語新聞 課, we take a look at the economic prospects for the USA and China.

The relationship between the world’s two biggest economies is sure to undergo some major changes in the months ahead. With Obama set to remain in the White House for 4 more years, and Xi Jinping moving in to Zhongnanhai for the next decade, all eyes will be on how the new faces work together amid these tough economic times.

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維維 28 – 金融英語詞彙: 債券 (1)

Bonds have been a hot topic in the news recently. But what exactly are bonds and how do they work?

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在這個 金融英語 課, we’ll explain some of the main ideas and vocabulary, starting with key terms such as yields, coupons, 和成熟度. Then we’ll get into different types of bonds. And finally we’ll look at how governments use bonds to finance their borrowing needs.

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本 13 – 歐元危機

BEN Eurozone Crisis

The eurozone was thrown into renewed crisis this month as EU leaders struggled to agree on new stability measures.

As reported by the Guardian, “A world recession has drawn closer after the G20 summit failed to agree to fresh financial help for distressed countries and debt-ridden Italy was forced to agree to IMF monitoring of its austerity program.

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