本 14 – 移動平台之戰

Business English Lesson on Mobile Platforms
近幾個月來,智能手機霸主之戰達到了新的高度, 蘋果和谷歌等行業重量級人物領導著諸如Research in Motion和Windows之類的長期移動巨頭.

簡要介紹下層, 但不斷發展, 本月智能手機市場的歷史 商務英語新聞課. 我們提供許多有關移動通信的精彩詞彙, 銷售與技術. 使用下面的鏈接訪問本課程的免費成績單和測驗.

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本 13 – 歐元危機

BEN Eurozone Crisis

The eurozone was thrown into renewed crisis this month as EU leaders struggled to agree on new stability measures.

As reported by the Guardian, “A world recession has drawn closer after the G20 summit failed to agree to fresh financial help for distressed countries and debt-ridden Italy was forced to agree to IMF monitoring of its austerity program.

Free Resources: Study Notes | Online Practice

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商務英語新聞 12 – 史蒂夫·喬布斯致敬

Business English News is a new show on Business English Pod about current events, especially things happening in the business news.

As a company built and run on Mac computers, and with an audience that mainly uses Apple products to listen to our podcasts, it’s only fitting that we (關於)launch this show with a tribute to Steve Jobs, who passed away on Wednesday 5th October.

Free Resources: Study Notes | Online Practice

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