BEP 305 – 商務英語強調的搭配 (2)

商務英語播客 305 - 英語搭配強調 2

歡迎回到商務英語播客今天的課程 商務英語搭配 強調一點.

說一口流利的話不只是說正確. 這是關於選擇有影響力的詞語, 以及影響人們的思想和感受. 如果您學習優秀演講者的習慣, 您會聽到他們有效地使用強調. 一位出色的演講者不會只說他「推薦」某件事. 代替, 他可能會說他「強烈推薦」某件事. 「強烈」這個詞的影響力增加了三倍.

但你怎麼知道我們說的是“強烈推薦”而不是“強烈推薦”或“深度推薦”?“ 出色地, 「強烈推薦」是母語人士使用的單字的自然組合. 這些自然的單詞組合稱為搭配. 搭配只是母語人士通常一起使用的兩個或多個單詞. 您可以學習強調的搭配,聽起來更自然,並增強您所說內容的影響力.

在本課中, 我們將聽取有關領導力主題的演講的結尾. 瑪麗亞正在總結她的要點. 在演講期間,她使用多種搭配來強調自己的想法. 嘗試挑選這些搭配, 我們稍後會在匯報中討論它們.


1. 瑪麗亞讓聽眾想起一個人. 她要求他們考慮什麼類型的人?
2. 瑪麗亞說什麼出色的演說沒有行動的支持?
3. 瑪麗亞如何看待人們對工作意義的追求?

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BEP 304 – 商務英語強調的搭配 (1)

BEP 304 - 商務英語強調的搭配 1

歡迎回到商務英語播客今天的課程 商務英語搭配 used to emphasize a point.

If you want to make an impact when you speak, you need to learn the importance of emphasis. 我的意思是, if sales increased, that’s great. But what if they increased a lot? Or you might be concerned about something, but what if you’re very concerned? “A lot” and “very” are used for emphasis. But you don’t want to only use “a lot” and “very.” If you use any word or expression too much, it will lose its impact.

在本課中, we’ll listen to the end of a presentation about the financial performance of an airline. The speaker is talking about what the company can expect to see in the coming year. And during the presentation, as well as during the question and answer session, the speakers give emphasis to their ideas using “collocations.”

A collocation is just a pair or group of words that go together naturally. 例如, instead of saying something “increased a lot,” you can say it “increased sharply.” The words “increase” and “sharply” often go together. And if you want to say you are “very concerned,” you can say “deeply concerned.” That’s a natural way of emphasizing the idea of being “concerned.”

Native speakers use these word combinations naturally. And if you want to sound natural, it’s a good idea to learn these collocations. 當您聽對話時, try to pick out some of these collocations, 我們稍後會在匯報中討論它們.

在對話方塊中, we’ll hear Leo, the presenter, talking about some of the key financial indicators the airline uses to track its performance. We’ll also hear two managers, Rita and Mike, ask questions at the end of the presentation.


1. What does Leo say the company has achieved in terms of costs?
2. How does Rita feel about the positive attitude concerning profits?
3. What does Leo say about non-fuel cost growth in their company, compared to other companies?

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維維 53 – 敏捷項目管理英語詞彙

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在本課中, 我們來看看 商務英語詞彙 與敏捷相關 專案管理 以及產品開發的scrum框架.

Scrum 涉及衝刺 (sprint) 工作, 或短週期, 快速開發產品. Scrum 中的關鍵角色包括 Scrum Master 和產品負責人, 以及產品團隊, 透過處理衝刺積壓工作來創造產品.

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維維 52 – 金融英語: 公司財務和新創公司 (2)

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在這個 金融英語詞彙課, 我們來看看 商務英語詞彙 與公司融資相關.

公司可以透過債務融資尋求持續融資, 或貸款, 需要抵押品的. 或者他們可能會使用保理和信用額度來快速獲取現金. 其他資金來源包括眾籌和公開募股, 公司出售股份.

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