
Video Vocab is now available on a new website: VideoVocab.TV

影片詞彙 is a video podcast (vodcast) published by Business English Pod for English as a second language (ESL) learners who want to expand and improve their English vocabulary for business.

Each ESL video lesson looks at a group of key English vocabulary words and terms related to a particular business topic. The meaning of the vocabulary is explained with simple definitions and pictures, and an example of how the vocabulary can be used.

Current lessons feature vocabulary on the economy, 法, 專案管理, accounting and finance, 這 credit crisis網路 2.0 internet technologies.

Now available in iTunes (click to subscribe)
訂閱方式 iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/video-vocab/id363384247

訂閱 RSS訂閱: http://feeds.feedburner.com/BusinessEnglishVocab

ET 06 – 向高階主管撰寫請求

Youtube 視頻

在這個 電子郵件調整 課, 我們正在看吉米的一封電子郵件, 是他公司的培訓官. 吉米想通知即將召開的研討會的各個部門負責人,他們的員工將參加. 這是一封內部電子郵件, 通常,這比發送到公司外部的東西更加非正式. 然而, 它被發送給比Jimmy更高級別的經理, 所以語氣必須尊重並且不要太隨意.

Premium Members: PDF Transcript | Online Practice

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