
VV 47 – English Vocabulary for Manufacturing 1

維維 47 – 製造業英語詞彙 1


行進 8, 2016

925 英語課 2: 開始對話

Learn how to start a conversation in English.

二月 14, 2016

維維 46 – English for Marketing: 這 4 行銷組合的PS (2)

Business English vocabulary related to the 4 P's of the marketing mix.

十一月 24, 2015

維維 45 – English for Marketing: 這 4 行銷組合的PS (1)

Learn English vocabulary for discussing the 4 Ps of the marketing mix.

十一月 18, 2015

925 English L001 – How to Say Hello (視頻)

Learn how to say hello and introduce yourself to customers and work colleagues in English.

十一月 8, 2015

925英語課 1: 如何用英語問好

Learn how to greet colleagues and customers in English.

十一月 1, 2015

Business English Course – Accepting or Rejecting Suggestions


八月 23, 2015

維維 44 – English for Human Resources Vocabulary (2)

學習人力資源英語詞彙, 特別是培訓和發展.

六月 2, 2015

維維 43 – English for Human Resources Vocabulary (1)


可能 26, 2015