
學習電話英語,以便用英語接聽電話. 掌握基本的商務英語電話短語,這將有助於在電話中更輕鬆地使用英語.

BEP 384 – Business by Phone 4: Unexpected call

BEP 384 – 電話商務 4: 意外來電

如果你聽了我們關於例行登記的上一課, 意外來電, call with your…

二月 27, 2022

BEP 383 – 電話商務 3: 例行登記會議

Learn how to report progress and provide updates during a routine check-in meeting with your boss.

二月 13, 2022

BEP 312 – 電話商務 2: 討論人員配置問題

Learn English for discussing staffing issues on the telephone.

九月 9, 2017

BEP 311 – 電話商務 1: 討論生產問題


九月 2, 2017

BEP 23c – 電話英語: 採取行動

Learn Business English for confirming arrangements and getting action over the phone.

可能 8, 2016

BEP 22c – Telephone English: 查詢


四月 24, 2016

BEP 21 A – Answering a Telephone Call in English

Learn Business English for starting a telephone call and answering the phone professionally.

一月 10, 2016